Chapter 16 - Snow White

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3rd Person

"I'm sorry.." She whispered, genuinely meaning it.

"It okay." Will told her, wrapping his arms around her.

"I'm really really sorry.." She told him, starting to feel the guilt weighing down on her.

"Sit." He told her, unwrapping his arms and pointing towards the seat next to Joyce.

She looked confused but sat down anyway.

"Mama help her. She sad." Will asked his mum, and everybody chuckled.

"Why funny?" He asked them all, and Mike responded.

"She's okay, Will." Mike assured him

"Promise?" He looked down at Mike.

"Friends don't lie. I promise." He told him.

"Friends don't lie?" He looked confused, and Max stepped in.

"It's a rule in our party. You can not lie to anybody. Do you understand?" She asked him gently.

"I.. understand." He nodded.

"Friends don't lie." He smiled at Mike, who grinned back.

"So, are we all friends?" Joyce asked them all.

They all nodded and Joyce smiled.

"Does that mean I can finally go home?" She joked which made them laugh.

"Yes, go! I want my house back!" Hopper grinned, and Joyce got up.

"Mike, Max would you like to come with us?" She asked them, and will nodded eagerly.

"Yes, fun!" He grinned, and they nodded aswell.

They were all leaving the house and Max, Mike and Joyce had already left but Will was only just getting up.

Will felt someone tug on his clothes and he turned round to see eleven stood there.

"Can I come with you all?" She whispered, feeling embarrassed.

"Mama, can eleven come house?" Will asked her, and she smiled and nodded.

Will grinned and dragged eleven out of the house, and over to the car.

"Eleven is with us." Will grinned at them all, and Max and Mike looked confused but nodded anyway.

El got in the back with Mike and Max who were still a bit cold to her.

They all drove and Will was telling Joyce about how much he loves his tiger, before he brought up the mall.

"Max and eleven took me big shops! Very fun!" He told her, and Joyce stopped smiling.

"Where did you go?" She asked the three in the back, who all turned white.

"Uh.. Star court." Max gulped.

"Shit." Joyce whispered.

"He didn't do anything stupid did he?" She asked them and the silence was a good enough answer for her.

"What did he do..?" She sighed.

"He broke a kids arm because he slapped lucas." Mike told her.

"Oh Jesus.." Joyce muttered.

Will continued to say how much fun star court was, not caring that he wasn't allowed to go.

"I got sticky lip stuff! It sparkles!" He grins and Joyce chuckled.

"Did you get anything else?" She asked the boy.

"No, max no money." He sighed, and Joyce looked back.

"You paid for him?" She smiled softly.

"Yeah I didn't mind." Max grinned.

"Oh sweetheart, when we get home let me repay you!" Joyce offered.

"It's okay, really. I enjoyed being with him so I didn't mind paying." Max told her and Joyce sighed.

"If your sure.." She mumbled, pulling up into the drive.

"It's quite late, would you all like to stay over?" She asked them all, and they all thanked her and nodded.

"I will go and get you some blankets and pillows then! Make yourself comfortable.

Joyce got up quickly and forgot to help Will with the lock on the car.

He was picking at it, trying to open it when someone opened it for him.

He looked up and saw Mike holding the door open.

"Thank pretty!" He grinned, and kissed Mike on the cheek.

"My names Mike." He chuckled.

"But you pretty?" Will looked up at him as Mike closed the car door behind them.

"Isn't Lucas called pretty?" Mike frowned.

"Yes. Two pretty." Will nodded and Mike just looked at him.

"Okay then!" Mike smiled, and Will laughed.

Eleven watches them, her heart shattering.

She missed him so much already. She knew she shouldn't have taken her anger out on Will, in fact, as soon as she had done it she immediately felt bad but she was too annoyed and upset to apologize.

She wanted Will to be her brother, even though he did piss her off a bit. She had wanted a sibling for years but never got one, and Will was like a cuddly younger brother.

She sighed, ignoring her heartbreak and walking over to them both.

Mike was telling Will about the story 'snow white' and Will was absolutely fascinated.

"Little people? With hats! I love!" She heard him squeal, and she saw Mike's soft smile.

"Hey." She smiled at them both, and Will turned round.

"Do you know Snow White?" He asked her, beaming.

"I do!" They heard a voice say, and turned around to see Max walking next to El.

"Little people, with hats, Max! I love! I wish I had a little people!" He exclaimed, making them all smile.

"You have little animals!" Mike grinned at him.

"I do?" He looked up at the taller boy.

"Uh, yeah! Your tiger!" Mike told him.

"I do!!" Will beamed, running into the house to go and find his tiger.

The three watched him, smiling to themselves.

"I wish everybody appreciated the little things like he does.." Mike whispered to himself.

"Same." Max nodded, being able to hear him.

Eleven hummed, agreeing.

They walked in to see Will holding up his tiger to Joyce.

"Little animal!! Like Snow White little people!!" He grinned at her.

"I know baby!" She grinned back, pinching his cheeks.

He heard the door shut and saw the three at the door.

"Look! My little animal!" He held it out to them and they all smiled at him.

"I love it, do you want to watch TV?" Mike asked him.

"Yes! Come on pretty!" Will skipped over to the TV, grabbing Mike's hand and dragging him alone with him.

{Word Count: 992}

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