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Daniel was on stage, being cheered on by his fans who were laughing at his banter and enjoying his interview with the host.

"Now, Daniel, that's about it for my questions, but I understand you have a special guest you'd like to bring on stage?"

"Yes, yes I do!" Daniel said with a wide grin. He stood up from the couch he had been sitting on and peered off stage. "MJ, love, are you back there?" he asked as he cupped his hand over his eyes to try and see beyond the bright spotlight partially blinding him.

At that moment, Maria hopped up the stairs leading onto the stage to a grand wave of cheering and applause from the audience. She smiled and waved enthusiastically to the audience.

"Hmm, I'm not sure they know who you are." He said playfully to Maria, who took his hand and moved to sit next to him on the couch. "Do you all know this fabulous woman?" he asked the audience with a goofy grin on his face. The audience cheered and shouted out answers. "Okay, okay, perhaps they do know who you are. See, I told you my fans would love you." Maria blushed and rolled her eyes at Daniel. He loved convention appearances, and New York Comic Con was especially fantastic. "Shall I tell them?" he asked her and the audience got quiet.

"Which bit?" she asked, an eyebrow raised playfully. They had actually practically rehearsed this, so there was really no confusion.

"I don't know, which bit do you think should come first?"

"Oh, I don't know. You pick."

"Well, alright then. So, as some of you, well who am I kidding, all of you know, by now—Mrs. MJ Blakestone had quite the dazzling night last night here at Comic Con. They had quite the shindig in her honor, celebrating the news that her first book will be made into a feature-length film!" There were more cheers from the audience and all Maria could do was grin as he continued, "Which she will be executive producing and providing consulting on—to make sure the movie is as true to the book as possible."

As the audience quieted down again, Maria took the microphone from Daniel and spoke up. "And what about the other thing?" she asked.

"Other thing?" he asked, as if he didn't know what she was talking about.

Maria played along and rolled her eyes, then leaned over and whispered something to him

"Oh, that!" he exclaimed, leaned over to the mic she was holding. "Shall you get the ring out now?" Maria reached into a small pocket inside her jean jacket and pulled out the ring. She started to put it on, as the audience started gasping, but he stopped. Her. "No, no, let's give them a treat and recreate the moment, shall we?"

He got down on one knee in front of her on the couch, the audience, and host going wild around them, and she held her hand out for him to slip it on. Cameras had been flashing the whole time, but now they seemed to be flashing non-stop. He stood up and pulled her up into his arms and gave her a big kiss to seal the moment.

He took the mic as he sat back up next to her. "Last month, MJ and I were engaged to be married! We decided this was the perfect moment to make it public knowledge," he said with a sweet smile toward his fiancee. "Sadly, she has to go now, as she'll signing books for the next few hours. I suppose we'll have to let her go." He smiled, and squeezed her hand one last time. "Bye, love."

With that, she waved a big goodbye to the audience and ran back offstage.

**The End...For Now**

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