• Count your fucking days •

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We had gotten back from our time at the lake and all I could think about was the exciting tense moment we had in the water. It played on my mind leaving me smiling each time it occurred in my thoughts. I wanted to go back and kiss her before she pulled away. I regretted just standing there doing nothing but look at her lips.

It had been a little awkward and quite walking back. She didn't speak to me, she just kept her focus forward and brung her cig up to her lips now and then.

We got to her dorm and she unlocked the door with he key before stepping inside and turning to me in the doorframe.

"Goodnight tom." she said smiling as she locked eye contact on me making it yet again tense. I wanted to kiss her but I didn't want to do it unless she wanted to.

"Oh....goodnight Lily" I said as I grabbed her shoulder and pulled her in closer giving her a kiss on the cheek. She nodded and turned around shutting the door behind her.

*time skip*

"So after you have finished multiplying you then take the answer and..."

My attention had got lost out the window long fucking gone and I watched it as it left. I watched the trees sway and the wind blow as I drowned out the teachers voice. I bet you can fucking guess what's been on my mind.

Yes. Her.

Lily. Lily fucking Anderson. She was the one making me go insane. I never felt like this about a girl and I hope she knew that she was lucky. I just shag them and then leave. I'm sure I'm not the only one so I didn't care that much.

I wanted out. I didn't want to be here anymore. In this class. I wanted to see her and i needed to get out here quick before I get to drained. I raised my hand

"Excuse me miss, I need to piss" I said as I slowly stood up and she nodded looking me up and down seductively. I mean I wouldn't mine to fuck the teacher. She was fit. Bit tits, big ass, probably a nice pussy. But guess what the one think was that stopped me. Yes Lily.

I got up and winked at her before heading for the door. I speed waked down the corridors and stairs to the back door which I swung open and slightly jogged along the tennis court. I then began to walk through the field and down the steps we once ran up together laughing which lead to the exciting moment we shared only a few minutes after. I then started to pick up my pace jogging again past the place we first met until I reached the building that she lived in. The floor she lived at the dorm she lived at.

I stopped myself from knocking and I know your probably thinking just fucking knock or walk in or something but there was a feeling that made my stomach feel strange. I've had this feeling before yet never knew what it was. I try to ignore it but it's just there and I can't seem to get rid of it.

I lifted my hand that was curled up into a fist and was about to knock when I man with dirty overalls and greasy hair began to walk up to me.

"Oi mate, who are you" he spoke from across the hallway as he strolled closer.

"Oh I'm Tom. Tom Kaulitz" he was now face to face with me eyes locked on mine. I stuck out my hand which he roughly took and shook.

"Oh your the famous bloke ain't ya." I nodded and smiled a little trying to tell him that I'm not one of them bitchy celebrities.
"I'm John, John peters. Are you a...eh friend of Lily's" he asked pointing to her door when he mentioned her name.

"well, yeah how do you know her" I asked confused.

"Well I'm one of the janitors here, I've known lily since she first moved here and I'm the closest thing she has to a father so I try to keep her safe and happy, that's why I was asking who u were?" He explained and I nodded. I was slightly confused by the father bit but I chose to ignore it.

"Don't worry we are just friends nothings going to happen"

"Okay but if u do break her heart one day mate, your gonna have to count your fucking days" he said pointing a finger at me and I swallowed nervously.

This man had a strong build and a druggy look. He was one hundred percent the type of person to fuck someone up and I didn't want that person to be me.

"She's not in, think she's down at the lake" he said before turning around and making his way back down the hallway.

My whole body spun and I sprinted down the hallway and past our spot, up the ancient stairs and across the field. As I was running my mind yet again began to overthink. Why the fuck was she at the lake. Did she regret pulling away last night. Was she thinking about last night. If only I could read her fucking mind life would be much easier.

I reached the lake and as I approached her I started to jog. She was sat on the mucky floor a cig in between her lips and smoke surrounding her. She was facing the crystal clear water shimmering in the sunlight.

I stood next to her looking in the same direction she was. I slowly sat down next to my knees being brung up to my chest and hers crossed. She carried on staring at the horizon ignoring me sitting there.

"How did you find me" she asked taking another drag of her cig.

"John told me"

"So you met John then"

"Yeah, he seems nice"

He nodded as she passed the cig to me and I brought it up to my lips taking a drag before passing it back to her.

"Lily, when I met John her talked about him being the closest thing you have to a father. Why? What happened to your dad?" I asked curious.

"It's none of your business"

"I was just curious"

"Well don't be, you don't need to know shit about my life or problems" she put her cig against her lips again.

"Sorry, i just thought I could help you if you needed it."

"John and Keith are the only people who know about my life and I don't think about telling anybody else"

"I won't tell anyone I promise" I said placing my hand on her knee. she looked down before moving her leg so my hand slipped off.

"Okay fine, just promise you won't tell anyone, it's personal"

"I promise"



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