Warning⚠️ : Sexual Assault

*Rylee's POV*
Rylee is talking to her publicist on the phone, her unfinished book on her office desk. She has only been able to write two chapters. The deadline is next week.

"Sarah I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna make this deadline. I've been in a writing slump for a week and I'm honestly not doing the best."

"Rylee, to be honest I don't care. People have been waiting months for this book and a year for a meet & greet. I am not changing the deadline!"

"Yes ma'am, have a good rest of your night."

Tears welling up in her eyes she calls the only person who she knows can make things better.
*Max's POV*
Max leaves the noisy party environment and answers Rylee's phone call. "Hey Rylee! How have yo-"

"Max can you come over, I'm not doing so well." Rylee says in a worried tone

"Yea of course! I'll be over there in 10 minutes."

Max gets off the phone and runs back to the party needing to find Jaime so she can tell her she's leaving. While she's searching for Jaime she bumps into a dancing couple.

She realizes she won't have enough time to tell Jaime she's leaving. She says sorry but turns to the couple.

"Hi, my name's Max and I have to go but my friend Jaime drove me. She has short black hair, a letterman jacket on, black Nike Dunks on, and she looks like she's gay as all get out. Can you tell her I left please?"

"Oh...um sure." Ren says glancing at Cameron

"Thank you so much!" Max leaves the party
*Maynard's POV*
Maynard was scrolling through her phone when she felt something wet and reek of alcohol spill on her.

"I'm so sorry, I did not mean to spill that on you, I can help you clean up! Jamie realizes

"Hey, you're the bartender from that bar." "I have a name." Maynard says

"Well, do I have the honor of knowing it beautiful?" "My name is Maynard." "Jaime."

Ren and Cameron work their way through the energized people and environment. They see Maynard looking disgusted at someone. Someone wearing a black letterman jacket.

"Excuse me, are you Jaime?" Ren asks

"Yes, why, is something wrong with Max?" "No, she just wanted us to tell you she was leaving."

"Oh my god! Maynard did you accidentally spill alcohol on yourself?" Cameron questions

"No, she did." May points in the direction that Jaime was in

"I said I was sorry." "You should really be more careful." Cameron says

"Okay, I'm over it, I think I'm ready to go." says Maynard

"I might as well leave too." Jaime speaks

They all walk out of the party, Jaime sees that her car is no longer parked in the parking lot.

"She took your car didn't she?" Cameron asked

"Yea, do you mind if I ride with you guys?" "No, yes!" Cameron and Maynard say simultaneously

"Cameron come on we don't even know her." May remarks. "Okay, so you wouldn't want to be in the same situation and not have someone give you a ride." "Fine."
*Max's POV*
Max grabs her key and unlocks Rylee's door.

"Rylee! Rylee, where are you!" Rylee's house was an absolute mess dishes were piling up in the sink, there were clothes everywhere in the living room, and balled up paper near the stairs.

"Rylee, honey?" Max walks upstairs to Rylee's room to find her in her closet, having a panic attack.

"Hey! Hey, you're gonna be okay, you're safe I'm right here I'm not gonna let anything happen to you."

She cries into Max's arms. "I saw him! Max I saw him! She says a little quieter"

Hi, it's nice to meet you! Rylee exclaims

Today was her first meet and greet and she was ecstatic. She spent most of the day signing books and shaking hands! Smiling with her award winning smile she was content, she knew she finally made it big.

She's been talking to this guy and they've gone on a couple dates. She thinks he's the one. He's supposed to be coming to her meet and greet.

Hey, how are you, I'm a big fan! Well thank you you're also the last person I'm meeting with! Rylee finishes signing her autograph in the book, looks up, and sees

"Jared! Oh my goodness what are you doing here!" "Remember, I told you I was coming." "Yeah, but you said might!"

Rylee gives Jared a big hug. Sarah speaks "Alright I'll leave you two lovebirds alone." She winked and smirked at Rylee

Once Sarah leaves the two go to the bathroom, into an empty stall, and instantly start making out.

Rylee slows down the kiss. "Even though we've been on like five dates you're a really great guy, and I think... I love you."

"Uh huh, yeah, love you too." Jared wasn't paying attention he was too busy trying to score.

"Jared that's my thigh." Rylee said nervously

"Yea, so." Jared says

"Jared stop, Jared I'm getting uncomfortable please stop."

"Stop fighting! You know you want it! Why would you wear this dress if you didn't!"

"JARED, JARED STOP STOP!!" At this point Rylee is kicking and screaming. Nothing could be heard with the loud music playing in the bathroom.

Rylee accidentally bumps her head on the corner of the stall they were in and knocks herself out.

Jared realizes and takes this opportunity to do the unthinkable. Soon after he leaves and Rylee is left in the bathroom by herself.

She wakes up an hour later noticing where she was, remembering what was happening before she blacked out. She sat there and cried, thinking it was her fault for thinking he was a possible candidate for her love and affection.

She walked out of the store knowing that if she told anyone she would feel weak and defeated. She didn't tell anyone until 2 months after it happened.
*Max's POV*
All Max could do was comfort her. She knew that Rylee wouldn't want to go to a therapist because she'd had a bad experience with one. But she had to figure out something.

"It's okay, just breathe. He's never going to touch you ever again. I promise." Max silently sobbed with Rylee.

Max texted Rylee a few days ago to check on her. Rylee told Max she was fine but Max knew she shouldn't have believed that.

Max texted Jamie to tell her were she had left off to.
*Jamie's POV*
Jaime's phone lights up. It's a text from Max that reads..."Hey I'm staying at Rylee's tonight she's not feeling too well."

"Okay, tell her I said I hope she feels better and I'm sending lots of love" Jaime replies.

"Will do." Max texts back
A/N: I HATE JARED. If you or anyone you know has been assaulted in anyway tell someone. I assure you it is better to tell someone than hold it all in. I love you guys! I hope y'all are having an amazing morning, afternoon, evening, and night wherever you are! And if you aren't having a great day there is always tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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