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The next morning

"Ares stop being a bitch".

Ares freezes and turns his head towards me."The fuck did you just call me"."A bitch".

He looks around the hallway to make sure no one heard me before walking towards me.

His long legs got him two steps before he was in my face.He corners me against the wall and says "Who are you calling a bitch?"."You.Since you want to play the ignoring game".

"It is no game, Princess.I am just ignoring you"."Because you can't stand here and have a serious conversation with me without running away".

He tilts his head and before nodding."Okay.Alright".

He grips me waist and stares me."Serious conversation.Okay.Then let's just start here.The thought of you being with someone else makes me want to fuck you until you know that your mine.It makes me want to trap to where I know you won't leave me".

"That sounds like you are kidnapping me"I say questionably."I fucking am.Because everything and everyone leaves me no matter what.They tell me that I'm too crazy and they leave.No excuses.No apologies they just up and leave".

I look at him sadly and he puts both of his hands on each side of the head.

"I have abandonment issues.Because I'm not good enough.Everyone will leave me because I'm not good enough"."Ares-".

"You will find a guy that will spark your interest and you will leave me.You will stop what we are doing and pretend like I don't exist".

My eyes widen in surprise as he drops his face.His eyes drop emotionless and he stands up straight.

"If anyone is being a bitch right now,it's you"."Excuse me?".

"You have never once tried to get to know me for me.You have only taken everything that my bitch brother has told you and put it in your head.That's the only thing you believe and nothing will change from that".

Oh my god.
He's fucking right.

Since the moment Ares started here, I've had one opinion of him.I've judged him simply based on what Apollo has told me.

But Apollo hasn't fully seen his brother in three years.So me making else judgments about Ares tells a lot about me.

"you're right"I state.

He tilts his head and I look up."I have been judging you since the day I met you.I've ignored how you make me feel because Apollo has labelled you as someone I shouldn't be around.Ares, I'm sorry".

I take a deep breathe and say "I've been hurt in the past.Last year I was dating a guy who ended up being someone completely different.He was using me for his own interest and had a whole girlfriend of two years in his life.I ignored all the warnings that people gave me and tried to see him for him.and he ended up breaking my heart".

Ares cups my face gently and makes me look up at him."I don't cheat.I hate Cheaters.The thought of touching anyone by you makes me want to throw up.Your the only one I want, Naya".

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