Chapter Eleven

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Oakland: When she first got here, there was a familiar feeling to her. Her body, her voice, her face; it all seem familiar. I couldn't place my finger on it. When I tried helping her with her bags, she brushed me off so coldly. All feelings of familiarity vanished.
Now that I'm standing in her bathroom doorway, staring at her with just my shirt on her body, the familiar feeling from earlier is flowing back in. Our eyes lock and I can feel my body tingle at her gaze. She sweeps over my body, examining me. Her eyes pass my bulge and I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck prick up. Heat crawls up the nape of my neck. I try to keep my cool, but my body wants her and there's no questioning that.
"Are you, uhm," she asks, obviously nervous. "Are you okay?"
My face drops, embarrassed. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine." Great, now you're lying to her. Truth is, my cock is throbbing. It's painful how much my body wants—needs—her. I shift uncomfortably, leaning against the door way so that my bulge isn't as pressing, giving me some relief. I cross my arms, staring at her. Her lips are pursed, her hands fiddling with the seam of my shirt that falls right below her upper thigh, covering just about enough of her. I admire how hard shes trying not to stare, but it makes me even more uncomfortable.
"Oakland! Grace!" Someone yells from outside her bedroom door. I can hear their approaching footsteps.
Grace looks at me, panic ensues on her face. I fully step into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I flick off the lights, and grab her. I step into the shower, the bottom of it still slightly wet, pulling her in behind me. I place her against the wall and close the shower curtain. Because of my height and size, I have to lean down into her in order to not be seen. I place one arm on the wall behind her head, the other by her waist. I keep my head turned towards the shower curtain, peeking through a small sliver to keep watch.
The footsteps stop at the bedroom door. I hear knocking and shortly after, the door opening. Grace's breathing picks up a little. I keep listening to the footsteps as the roam through the room.
"Where are you guys?" It's my brother, Alder. Dad probably sent him to come find me.
"Shit," I whisper under my breathe.
"Why's your brother looking for you?" Grace asks, her voice a little too loud.
The footsteps stop. Then, the bathroom door handle jiggles and I hear the door swing open. Grace makes a slight sound before I cover her mouth with my hand that was by her waist. I press it against her mouth, signaling for her to be quiet. Alder's footsteps stop right before the shower. I pray—to any god that might be out there—that he doesn't open the shower curtain.
A long silent pause falls over the room before he turns and walks out, closing the door behind him. I wait until I hear him exit the bedroom altogether before removing my hand from her mouth.
"That was close," a sigh of relief escapes me. Grace lets out a small squeak from below me. I look down at her, finding our faces inches apart. Something about this feels familiar, like deja vu. My free hand finds its way to her waist. Her body tenses at my touch. Eventually, her body adjusts to my hand on her. Her eyes search my face for something, almost as if shes reminiscing.
Realization hits me. She probably has a boyfriend back in New York. She's probably thinking about him right now, imagining I'm him. I pull back away from her.
"Sorry—" she interrupts me.
Her hands grab me by the neck and she pulls me in aggressively, smashing her lips against mine. Its hurts at first, then it's all warmth and pleasantries. Her lips are soft and fragile, yet her kiss is aggressive and demanding. I pull her waist in closer to me with my hand thats already place on her. I can feel my shirt rise up past her upper thighs. She presses herself into me, our bodies touching in every crevice possible. I know she can feel my bulge pressing against her inner thigh. I can feel her clit rubbing against it.
Hurriedly, I open the shower curtain, keeping my lips pressed against hers. I then place my other hand on her ass, pulling her up on me, carrying her out of the shower and setting her down on the bathroom counter. Her legs are wrapped tight around me, not letting me go anywhere. One of my hands grabs a handful of her ass, the other grabbing a handful of hair, pulling her head back so that our lips separate. I kiss down her neck and she lets out a small moan that turns me on even more. My hard on hurts so bad, my waning to fuck her even more prominent. I swear to god, this girl will be the death of me. 

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