Chapter Twelve

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Grace: I swear I've lost my mind. I don't remember him tasting this sweet. The cold counter top on my bare ass doesn't bother me. I keep him in between my legs. I don't want to let him go. His lips on my neck warm me all over, a pit of pleasure arising in my lower stomach. A small moans escapes me and I can feel his bulge become even harder. I didn't know that was even possible.
Our lips meet again. This time, he's eager. Hungry. I run my hands through his hair and he moans into my mouth. Arousal seeps through me. I feel his fingers run over my thighs and into my inner thigh. The tips of his fingers are cold, but my skin burns are his touch. He leaves a trail of fire over me wherever his fingers brush my skin. He pushes my legs up against himself before picking me up again and opening the bathroom door, his lips caressing my neck. Oakland lays me down on the bed gently, but his hands are aggressive. I know he's holding back.
"Don't hold back," I say to him, my voice raspy and barely recognizable.
"I don't want to hurt you," he replies as his hands fumble with the drawstring of his sweatpants.
"You won't."
He looks at me, concern on his face. "How do you know that?"
"I don't."
An evil grin works itself onto his face. He gets off the bed and grabs my ankles, yanking me down towards the end of it. Then, he flips me over onto my stomach. I smile to myself.
"Get on your hands and knees. Now." He barks out the orders.
I do as he says, just wanting him inside me, not caring what I have to do. His shirt slides up y back, exposing me entirely. The air in my room was cold, nipping at me. Suddenly, I feel his middle finger caress my clit. My body tenses, unsure how to react.
"Relax," he tells me. "I can't promise I'll be gentle, but I can promise to make sure you're pleased."
He apply's more pressure with his finger, moving a little faster. Arousal rumbles in my lower stomach. My breathing become shallow and my legs and arms become weak. It's gets hard for me to keep myself up.
As if he reads my mind, he stops what he's doing and presses himself against me. He lays his bare chest against my back, his hand reaching around my waist to the front. His finger continues what it started seconds ago, except its even faster. My legs shake and my arms start to give out from under me. His free hand reaches around my waist, placing itself on my upper stomach, holding me up. His lips skim over my skin and this sends trembles throughout my entire body.
A small moan escapes me. Then, a louder one. His finger is working magic with me. My back starts to arch slightly. His light kisses turn into aggressive ones. I can feel him leaving marks all over my back. He works his way up my back and just as he reaches my neck, a wave of pleasure erupts through me.
"Oh god," I say, my voice a whisper. Just as I feel another wave building up, his finger stops and he backs away from me. No.
I turn my head to look at what he's doing and I realize he's watching me. His eyes are focused on my pussy. An evil grin falls onto his face. Heat rises in my cheeks, embarrassed, I turn back around.
"You're a mess sweetheart." His voice is low and rough. I hear him step towards me. His hand pushes my right leg away from the other. I feel fluids dripping down my inner thigh. "All this for me." He says this more like a statement then a question.
"Oakland," I plead.
I turn over onto my back so that I'm looking his face. I keep my legs closed and sit up. "Are you going to tease me the entire time," I say sharply. "Or are you going to fuck me?"
His face wears no emotion. I can't tell what he's thinking.
"I'm just admiring what's mine, duchess."
Confusion contorts itself on my face. "Duchess?" I snort, a small laugh escaping me.
He nods, his face still plain. "Your name is Grace. I would call you 'my grace' but that's too—" he pauses, "—much. Duchess sounds better."
"Sure," I nod, suppressing my laughter.
We stare at each other in silence for a moment. Instead of it being awkward, it's actually comforting. Before I can reminisce in our high school memories, he strides towards me. When he reaches me, our lips collide and are bodies mash together. We only separate so I can get his shirt off my body and he can shimmy his way out of his sweatpants. They practically slide off and so do his boxers.
Now that I can see the entirety of his body, the anxiety starts to creep up my neck. My eyes scan over his entire body. I let my eyes linger on his cock for a moment too long. His length is like nothing I've ever seen, and his girth scares the horny straight out of me. However, looking at him makes my pussy throb. It's painful how much I want him.
He pushes me back onto the bed so I'm lying down and he's on top of me. I can feel his cock rub against my lower belly. My pussy throbs even more.
"Put it in," I mutter out.
"Are you sure you're ready?"

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