Chapter Thirteen

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Grace: My body was on fire. I couldn't feel my legs, my breathe was way too shallow. But none of that mattered. I had Oakland.
"Oh fuck," he muttered.
I could feel him slowly sliding into me. It didn't hurt at first, until I was really able to feel his girth. I winced slightly, his cock was stretching me to my limit. He stopped immediately and pulled out. I was confused for a moment, before I felt him pound into me in one whole movement. I let out a cry and his hand covers my mouth.
"You have to be quiet duchess," his voice was slick and breathy. "You don't want anyone downstairs to hear you, do you?"
I shook my head.
"Good. No one gets to hear your cries, your screams, your moans; any sound you make in here, with me, no one else gets to hear it. They belong to me." This wasn't a suggestion, this was a demand.
He grabbed me legs and placed them on his upper waist so that they were wrapped around him. This opened me up more, making it easier to take him. He started to pump himself in and out of me, slowly, but surely. Every drive into me was deeper than the last. Eventually, he filled me entirely.
"Oakland," I moaned.
A low chuckle arose from his throat. "Yes Grace?"
"Faster, please."
Within a millisecond, he picked up his speed, his cock forcing itself into me with every push. Pleasure raced through me. I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter.
We stayed in this rhythm for a good minute before I was at my limit. My hands grabbed on the sheets beside me, grabbing a fistful. Oakland stopped his movements, not letting me finish. He leaned down, our bodies frisking up against each other, and placed my hands on his back.
He picked up his movements again, this time slamming into me hard and quick. The slaps of his thighs hitting mine rang throughout the room. His cock fit perfectly inside me, hitting every spot just enough to bring me to my edge. Soon, my moans filled the room. My nails worked their way into his back and my head rested on his inner shoulder. I could smell his faint cologne from earlier. It was more intoxicating than before, probably because it was mixed with his sweat and the sounds of his grunts.
Suddenly, white, hot, pleasure rang through my body. My legs tightened around his waist, along with my pussy clenching around his cock. He let out a loud moan. My stomach spasmed, along with the rest of my upper body. My head flew back, my back itself arching like never before. My nails broke skin on his back.
Just as soon as my orgasm came, it left, leaving me a heaving, hot mess. Once my body returned to its normal state, Oakland kissed me, our lips smashing against one another like we were the last people on Earth and our only source of food was each other. His hips started pumping his cock in and out of me again.
I break away from his mouth, "again?"
A crooked smile spread across his lips.
The slaps coming from us seemed louder this time. My moans were growing and so were his. Only a few minutes after my last orgasm, I came again. This time, he pulled out.
I watched as his hand fisted his cock, moving up and down his length rapidly. His hand was a blur. Just as soon as I finished, he came on my stomach. His grunts and moans of pleasure filled me with arousal. I wanted more of him. I needed more of him.
"Oakland," I said in a whisper.
Once he was able to regain consciousness of his mind, he looked down at me. "Yes duchess?"
My eyes motioned to my old vanity chair behind him. "Sit."
He caught on to what I meant and gladly sat down. Hurriedly, I got off the bed and ran into the bathroom, grabbing my towel to wipe of his come before returning to him. A genuine smile ran across his face.
I shimmied over to him, placing my hands on his shoulders and resting his head on my chest.
"What do you plan on doing," he asked me as he kissed my breasts.
"You pleased me," I said to him. "Now it's your turn."
His eyes widened. "I already came. You finished. Twice. I'd say I'm satisfied."
"Ive missed you so fucking much, Oakland. Please, let me have this."
"Missed me?" Confusion spreads across him.
I realize I slipped up. I throw a small hand over my mouth. Shit.
"Grace, I don't know you," he said in suspicion. "I met you, today."
I take this chance to 'scold' him on having sex with someone you just met. "Right, just met me today. So then, why are you fucking a stranger?"
"What," he asks, "are you talking about? You're not a stranger?"
"Yes I am."
"No you're not. You're my Grace."

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