Chapter 1

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Walking into work and you can already see the line up the front door

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Walking into work and you can already see the line up the front door. You heave a heavy sigh. By the looks of how long the line is, it's going to be a long night. Especially after auditions today. You enter in through the employee entrance on the side of the building.

"About time you got here! Did you see how long the line is already?" Mina calls out.

"I'm not even late Mina and yeah I saw it. We are going to be in for a long night." You answer.

"Hopefully the new bouncers are going to be able to handle the crowd."

You laugh, "I don't know if noodle arms over there is gonna be able to do anything."

"Y/N! Be nice."

Laughing again, "Sorry. I forgot you think he's cute."

She swats your arm, "Come one his friend couldn't keep his eyes off of you the other day. We could go on a double date."

You shake your head, "No absolutely not."

"Oh, come one. When was the last time you went on a date."

"Just drop it Mina."

"Fine, I will for now."

Mina moves behind the bar and starts getting her drink making station ready. While you make your way to the locker room to get your uniform on.

*Later during your shift*

Mina calls out to you, "Y/n since you have a second, I wanted to ask how did your audition go?"

"I think I did pretty good but judging by the other actresses that were there I don't think I'm what they are looking for."

"You have to stay positive Y/n. You'll get your big break soon I can feel it."

The bar printer interrupts the rest of your conversation. Mina grabs the ticket and starts making drinks. She places the finished drinks on the tray in front of you.

"Take these to table 3."

"I don't have the VIP tonight."

"Char doesn't have time to run these drinks. She just ran to the bathroom."

"Is she sick again?"


"That's the third time this week."

"I know I keep telling her, that she should take a pregnancy test. But she swears up and down she can't be pregnant."

You cringe, "Can you imagine a mini-Jason running around?"

Mina laughs, "Be nice. He's good to her."

"He's a creep."

"I can't argue with you there. Careful you don't spill anything. She said these are really important VIPs."

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