{1} Before The Storm

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Monday 18th July, 2096 (dystopian future)
District 12, Eddie's POV;

The streets and alleys were crowded as I slipped and slided past them to get to Gareth, my best friend. I eventually find him, taking his hand. "C'mon, man, don't wanna get caught." I whisper, sprinting to the fence. I pull open a small flap in the fence, grabbing my bow and arrows from behind a tree. I start shooting down animals and other sorts, taking them back to the market. I knew the Games picking started tomorrow, just one fucking excuse to skin children into warriors.

(Basically next day because lazy, yall gonna get both Steve and Eddie's POV from this bit)

Steve's POV;
I finished putting on my best clothes, sorting my hair out and waiting for Robs to be done with her dumbass dress. She gagged at me when she came out the bathroom and I just laughed. We walked to the center of our district; district 2. The announcer got on stage, picking up a paper for the girls and booming; "ROBIN BUCKLEY!" Her face turned to horror, tears filling my eyes. She walked up on stage, and I saw her hands trembling. The announcer then boomed again; "DUSTIN HENDERSON!" One of the youngest boys walked up timidly, shaking. I looked down at Dustin, running infront of him. "I VOLUNTEER! I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!" I yell, hugging the little boy. I walk up beside Robs, taking her hand and squeezing it. We're just kids, we shouldn't deserve to die...

Eddie's POV;
I walk out into the center of district 12, scoffing when I see the announcer in his ridiculous outfit. What the fuck do the Capitol wear these days? It looks appalling. The announcer picks two papers, announcing "CHRISSY CUNNINGHAM AND GARETH EMERSON." (Couldn't think of a last name so-)
My face darkens, grabbing Gareth's wrist before he could move. I pat his back, hugging him before yelling, "I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!" The crowd gasps as I walk up beside Chrissy, interlocking our fingers and bringing our hands up to every district on TV. Chrissy smiled at me, and I smiled back. I tried to, atleast.

Well, that hurt my hand A LOT. I thought about Robin and Chrissy; what if they share a moment before they die? :>

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