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After the dance fest, Jake skimmed through the photos he took on his camera as he walked alongside his university friends Sunghoon and Jay who also attended this high school event.

"I'm so proud of Jungwon. He took care of this all by himself~" Jay grinned proudly as he rambled about his boyfriend. Jake however, was lost in thought as he remembered about Niki being sick.

"Hey guys, I gotta do an errand. I'll see you both tomorrow, okay?" he quickly said before walking ahead to leave the school grounds.

The Aussie made his way to a nearby convenience store and grabbed a basket before filling it with a shit ton of snacks, drinks and ramen packets for the sick high schooler. He didn't know his preferences, so he grabbed everything off the shelf.

Even though he barely knew the boy, he felt protective and wanted to take care of him while he's sick, so as he paid for everything in the basket, his eyes stared at the price on the receipt in disbelief.

'$47 worth of snacks.. This kid is getting spoiled.' he scoffed to himself as a small smile lingered on his face. As he held the plastic bag, he made his way towards Niki's house which was actually nearby.

Upon arrival he knocked on the front door and waited. It was pretty cold outside, so he hoped Niki would hurry and take the bag so he could go home, but sadly he took his sweet time.

After a minute or so, the door opened to reveal a sniffling boy wrapped in several blankets with messy, black hair.

Jake recognised that hair immediately, but didn't say anything about it. Instead, he gave the boy a soft smile and extended the bag out.

"Here you go Niki. How are you feeling?" he asked as the other took the bag and coughed into his arm.

"I feel like shit. It's super cold, wanna come inside?" his voice was much deeper than Jake thought it'd be, but it could just be the sickness, right?

Jake hesitantly entered the house once Niki moved to the side. Decorating the walls were family pictures along with artworks and portrait paintings.

"You have a nice house," Jake mumbled as his eyes glanced around.

Niki unpacked the bag and immediately started cooking up the ramen. The poor boy hasn't eaten all day because of his sore throat, but he was willing to suffer through the pain for ramen.

"Well, it's nice to meet you in person." Niki croaked out, snuggling into the blankets he wrapped himself with.

Jake hummed in agreement and just took in the high schooler's features.

"You're tall as fuck," the Aussie blurted out, causing Niki to chuckle amusingly. Jake felt embarrassed by his outburst, and Niki obviously caught onto it.

"Nah, you're just super short hyung~" he teased, causing Jake to grumble and cross his arms while pouting.

Before Niki could speak again, he started coughing into his arm and he felt like he was dying. The coughing fit continued for a few seconds before he started wheezing and gasping for air.

"Holy shit– You good man?" Jake quickly rushed over and pat his back, but Niki just awkwardly grinned and lightly pushed him away.

"Keep a distance, I don't want you to get sick. It sucks so bad I wouldn't even wish this upon my enemy."

The ramen was finally complete and Niki started scoffing it down like a rabid animal that's been starved for ages, and all Jake could do was watch the sick boy choke on the noodles occasionally.

"Slow down," he said while laughing, but Niki chose to ignore him and continue shoving it all down his throat.

Jake decided that it was time to go despite Niki's protests. He wanted the boy to get a lot of rest, and he didn't want to catch the sickness, so he went home.

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