Chapter 5 - Diplomacy

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Wally had been a bit irritated at the driver due to them insisting that they had to blindfold the both of you. It was for security reasons, but he had retaliated with "So are they! I'm not sacrificing my one security precaution when you have a million others."

So you were now sitting in the car, the windows blocked out from your view. Wally sat there, looking quite anxious due to the blindfold he was forced to wear, and you watched him cross his legs, uncross his legs, fidget with the sleeves of his dress shirt, compulsively tuck his hair behind his ears, although he didn't need to.

"Hey, Walls, calm it down." You said, and he didn't look towards you, he simply spoke.

"I am calm."

He abandoned his previous methods of fidgeting just to tap his foot on the floor of the vehicle. He was clearly not calm. Why was he so anxious anyways? Sure, the relationship between the two mafia families is tense, but it can't be that bad. It can't be as bad as last time. Last time you had attended a diplomatic meeting, with your old mafia family... No, you can't spend time thinking about that right now.

Pulling into the driveway, you were escorted along with Wally out of the car and into a very grand-looking person, perhaps the leader's residence?

Then they stopped at a door of the building, and Wally's blindfold was removed.

The person escorting you opened the door, and there sat a man who you never thought you would see again.

He had a scar down his jaw, and piercing green eyes that knew you so, so well.

It was the leader of the Paloma, Brennan Diamond. He was the son of the man who ran your old mafia family back when you were a part of it. He was your best friend.

Keyword was.

"Mr. Diamond! It's a pleasure to see you again." Wally said in his usual charming voice, approaching him and extending his hand for a handshake.

"I appreciate the hospitable formalities, Mr. Darling. Please, sit down. We have grave things to discuss." Fuck, he sounded so much more pretentious now than he did a decade ago. Brennan seemed to notice you. "Who... is this?"

Wally smiled and sat down across from him, tapping his fingers on the table. "That's none other than my bodyguard, Y/N. They used to be my best assassin." The leader of the Paloma stared at you as Wally spoke. You stated right back, pouring your hate for the Paloma, pouring the feeling of betrayal you felt into that one glare. He seemed to get the hint as he looked back at Wally.

"Must they be here?"

"Yes. Little 'ol Dollface here is the best asset I have."

The way he referred to you made you wanna punch him, but it felt nice to be validated.

"Let's just get this over with. On the topic of territory, perhaps?" The Diamond heir offered to Wally.

"Yes." He replied.

You had a crater of boiling, magma-like rage in your chest, it took all your strength to not go up there and just scream at this new Brennan Diamond.

Why are you with these horrible people?

Why do you not want me here?

Why didn't you leave when you found out what happened to me? What they did to me?!

You held your tongue, simply standing behind Wally in that classic bodyguard-like fashion. You placed a hand on his shoulder, as if that contact would grant you extra willpower.

You were gonna need it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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