10: Alina

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Zacky and I are supposed to have dinner tonight with our families together.

My parents are still at work, but we're having the dinner at my place later. We came straight here after Zacky's decathlon practice. 

"What do you think they want to talk about?" I chew on my bottom lip while flipping through the pictures I took today on my camera.

"They probably want to set new boundaries for us" he replies while bending to give Merlin a cat treat. "Since we're together now"

I smile looking up at him. "We are together now" I smile brighter.

Isaac and I talked the day after he got back because he was tired from all the traveling and needed to take a shower and all that. I thought the talk was somehow going to be a little brutal between us, but really it was just relieving and extremely clarifying. We both said we don't know when our feelings about each other changed, just that they did. I think Isaac was the first to realize, but I wasn't too far behind him.

I think subconsciously I'd been waiting for him. Waiting to have my first kiss with him, waiting to lose my virginity to him. Waiting for him...because somewhere deep down I knew I would regret it if I didn't. I've only ever felt comfortable enough with him. My best friend and my other half.

He said the same thing and now we get to be each other's first everything. 

We were each other's first kiss, we're each other's first loves, and when the time comes for that other big thing...we'll be each other's first. I like it that way. 

I like that I don't have to wait to say I love him because we've been saying it our whole lives, the meaning is just a little different now. I like that we still have the same relationship, it's just shifted (the best shift ever, might I add). I like that we're still us. We're still the Lina and Zacky that were born five months apart. The same Lina and Zacky who were instant best friends and did everything together. I like the comfort and familiarity but the newness of being in an actual relationship with him.

It's like that was the missing piece. We were missing that piece of falling for each other and loving each other in a relationship. Now that we have it, everything feels so complete. I wish we would have done it a long time ago.

"We are" he smiles back at me.

His smiles always made my heart flutter, but now I let myself feel it and feel the significance of it. It's heavenly. Feeling the things he's always made me feel but they're amplified now.

I once thought that I couldn't possibly love him more than I already did. Boy did I get that so wrong.

I love him infinitely more.

He walks over and sits next to me on the bed, wrapping his arms around my waist and looking over my shoulder at my camera.

One thing I didn't expect was how comfortable the change has been for Isaac. I expected him to be a little more nervous, maybe hesitant even. But it's like he's even more comfortable around me and I really didn't even think that was possible. I thought we were at max comfortableness.

But it's like he doesn't even think about it, he just does it. Like it makes sense to him. Like he's been doing it forever, or at least wanted to and now he finally has the chance. It's not something I can often say about my Zacky, but I love it. I love that he's so comfortable in our relationship.

It's been two weeks and I've noticed how much he loves to touch me. He loves holding my hand, and wrapping his arms around me, and running his fingers through my hair. I love it as much as he does, but it was just a surprise. The best surprise ever.

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