𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚, pedri

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❝ i sit and watch you. ❞
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

I get my keys out of my pocket and unlock the door to my house, entering it with the two grocery bags full of stuff Isa had asked me to bring.

I drop my keys on the entrance table and walk to the living room where I hear some noises coming from which is probably one of the other three people living in this house.

I walk into the room and am met by a sight I won't forget anytime soon. "Ay dios mio." I speak looking at my half naked sister who's on top of my best friend, making out.

They both immediately pull away at my voice. Isabel jumps down Pablo's lap and stands up as they both avoid eye contact with me.

Pablo throws Isa her shirt to put over her white bra which she catches with ease and wears pretty rapidly. "Hey Pedri, what's up bro?" Isa gulps as she scratches the back of her messed up hair.

"Her lipstick is on your chin, dude." I remark before leaving the room casually and calmly ignoring the fact that my baby sister and best friend would've probably been having sex on that couch if I hadn't walked in just now.

I head to the kitchen to put away the groceries expecting no one to be here since the two lovey dovey's over there were doing that in the common room. However, I see Liv cooking.

She doesn't notice me coming in due to the fact that she's facing the stove and wearing her headphones as she mumbles in a low voice to the music she's hearing.

I chuckle to myself when I see her starting to move slowly to her music.

I put the bags down on the table and walk over to her. Once I'm close enough, I lean in on the counter making her notice my presence.

She stops the music from her phone and removes her headphones, leaving them around her neck.

"Hey, aceituna." I smirk.

"What's up, Pedri?" She looks already done with me, beside the fact that we actually bonded yesterday after the match. She was both laughing and smiling. And the laughing wasn't even at me.

"How come they're in third base over there while you're in the kitchen?"

"That's because they don't even know I'm here."

"Interesting." An awkward silence washes over us as we both wait for either of us to speak or me to get out and her to continue cooking what I guess is dinner. She looks back at the boiler pan, mixing what I think is rice "What're you cooking?"

"Riz 3a djej." She answers but at the same time doesn't since I don't speak freaking Arabic.

"So potato's with a bit of vegetables and honey?" I joke, earning an are-you-stupid? look from her as she keeps on mixing.

"Its Rice with chicken. Lebanese dish." She finally answers in a language I understand. I don't know how chicken and rice is supposed to be a lebanese dish when I always eat chicken with rice at the Japanese place down the street.

I'm afraid to ask her though so I'll just wait for when we're eating and see if it's any different than the one from the Japanese place.

Another awkward silence reigns again as I think of something to say. I don't really want to get back out to the snuggle muffins.

I remember that her meeting with Xavi was supposed to be earlier today. "How'd it go with Xavi?"

"Oh. Great. You guys are gonna love being yelled at by me at all times." She smirks and I chuckle. We certainly are not going to enjoy it but if getting yelled at by Olive is what it takes to win, then be it. I've been harassed by worse.

"How are you going to manage everything now? Between the two businesses, modelling, coaching and apparently going back to uni?" I prolong the conversation, actually curious. I can barely juggle football and real life. I have no idea how her and Isa manage all their hobbies but still sleep all day. Women are crazy.

"University again? God, no. That's for my younger sister. I'm just helping her out." I never really thought Olive would be a big family person but I was definitely wrong. Taking a job when she already has like three just for her brother and sister is insane. "Modelling is like a hobby. I'm not that big of a model anymore so it doesn't really take up any time. And the businesses manage themselves, I just have to put people in their places once in a while." She continues explaining, not looking at me, focused on her cooking.

She walks away to the fridge and gets a large stockpot. Why the hell is there a whole stockpot in my fridge?

She comes back and places it on the stove. I try taking a peek and see chicken in it. Oh, she probably cooked it earlier and let it cool in the fridge.

"So you're like a model, a business woman, a cook, a coach now apparently, what else? You superwoman by night?" I humour her.

"Superwoman? No way that's too much effort and time to save a fucked world. The only thing I do at night is go get laid or cook for you guys apparently." I try to ignore the get laid part. I can be a mature person and ignore that.

But just the thought of her going out and having sex with someone else while I'm here basically begging to taste her again in my head is killing me.

"Well, we appreciate your services to us." I gulp.

"Which one? The feeding you or the saving your asses on the field?" Her smirk appears as she takes a quick look at me.

"Come on, give us the benefit of the doubt. We're good on the field. We would've found a way to bounce back with or without you." We really wouldn't have honestly, but I somehow need to keep talking to her.

Not just because of the lovebirds out there but because I'm actually starting to like talking to her when she isn't high on annoyance, arrogance or meanness.

She can be pretty funny. And she's super smart so there isn't really any stupid things said. She also couldn't care less about how famous I am or how good at football I am so she just talks to me like I'm any other normal human being.

"We both know you wouldn't and are just saying that to prolong the conversation and avoid the two out there." See? She's smart. She knows half the reason I'm talking to her.

"Who said I don't enjoy talking to you?" I decide to sit on the counter top, next to her instead of sitting down on a chair of the table like a normal person.

"Get down or I'll throw rice at you." She threatens the second I sit on my kitchen countertop. I'm still scared of her so I immediately get back down on my feet. "Do you enjoy talking to me?" Her voice calms back down as if she didn't just yell at me.

"Right now? I'm scared of you again."

"I'm cooking and you just sat on my space! Of course I'm gonna yell!" She defends herself. I chuckle as I look at her moving everywhere, getting things out of the fridge, adding more ingredients into the rice, getting the chickens out and cutting them...

"Can I help?" I suggest.

"Yes. Get out. You're distracting me." Conversation took a big turn.

"Really? I'm distracting you?" I walk closer to her but she doesn't even flinch as I walk closer, she's too focused on her food. "In what way?" I smirk down at her, inches separating us but she honestly couldn't seem to care less even though I'm flirting with her in some kind of way.

"Get closer and I'll kick you in the nuts with a fucking spoon." How can I be distracting her if she isn't even so much as looking at me?


"Try me, banana boy." She finally does look back at me. She raises her head, one hand on her waist staring right into my soul.

She's about the same height as Isa, making me look down.Whenever I'm that close to a woman it's usually followed by sex, not getting hit by.

Somehow my eyes manage to slip down to her lips, and I think she notices because that's when she turn back around.

"Get out." She mumbles.

"Yes ma'am." I answer before she does actually hit my dick and notices somewhere in between, it hardened.

𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄 ★ pedri gonzálezWhere stories live. Discover now