A Love that ended before it could start

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Asher Blake

I stared at the note for don't know how long, trying to understand what she meant.

Oh God, this is deep and worse than a diary.

But I am sure as hell that she has evoked something very deep inside me....

I needed to know more about her.....

I read that page again and again trying to understand what she meant......

There were too many hints but not even a single one could get to the conclusion.

Has this woman next to birdy gone somewhere far? That she cannot meet her again or.....

I ran my hand through my hair in frustration.

I flipped through the pages again and stopped at another page when a picture of sea from what is seemed as a Lighthouse was pasted which was captioned below,


10. To spend a night in a lighthouse.

The title read and my eyes scanned the whole page.

No matter how much ever the darkness covers us; there will always be a sunshine at the end.......

It was dark,


The waves crashing hard against the rocks did not calm my unpleasant heart.

Why me?

And for every passing moment........

And why something so pathetic!

The darkness was defending and my turmoil grew every second and I was so lost in my mind that I failed to look around me and that's when I heard a caricom.

"The guest who is staying for the night, kindly help us in switching on the light please."

I stumbled not knowing where to look, 

What switch? Which one to switch on?

"Can you tell me where to find it?" I shouted back.

There was no answer, looks like the caricom is only to deliver messages.

I stumbled through the darkness, touching the walls to find my way out...trying to find something that would switch on the light but don't know where and what it is.

How ironic, that situation matched my life.

Trying to find the answers for the questions I don't even know myself.

When my hands came across a handle, I pushed it up with a loud thud when the blazing light flashed my eyes making me close my eyes.

That was when it hit......

If you want to see the light, you push it up.

I am not a princess locked in a castle waiting for a prince charming to save me.

I was a warrior who had to find out the way myself, no matter how hard it is to.

I walked up the railing and looked at the vast sea, to see the sun rising from beneath the waters....filling the sky with light and hope.

I had to fight...and not lose hope even at the final breath.

The most beautiful sunrise I had ever witnessed.

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