Quickie | Fred Weasley

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Its been a week since our christmas break has started and I've enjoyed it so far. Since I'm not in good terms with my family I've always been welcome with the Weasley's. The first time Fred brought me to their home I was welcomed with open arms by Molly, followed by Arthur and the rest.

"Ah, (y/n) my dear it's so good to see you again!" Molly said happily. She smiles whilst giving me a tight hug.

"So good to be back here, Molly. I actually miss your cooking, the food back at Hogwarts is alright but your's is better." I replied smiling back.

"Well then, I'll make sure to make my cookings are good so you'll enjoy and get to relax during the holiday." Molly then escorts me to the living room.

George came in carrying his luggages followed by Ron who was scowling at him.

"What's up with you?" I asked. Ron looks at me and rolls his eyes. "This git almost let my luggage fall onto the pond outside." He replies.

"Oi, I told you to help me get all the bags out of the car but you we're so busy staring at granger." George retorts and goes upstairs.

"You fu-"

"Watch it." Molly warns Ron with with a tone. Ron sighs and lowers his head as he walks upstairs.

Fred then comes in carrying our luggage. He was panting since he's been the one carrying our bags, even though I offered to help but he wouldn't budge and keeps on insisting he can do it.

"I forgot I brought home my quidditch equipments. Some of it needs reparing and maybe upgrading." Fred pushes his large chest into the living room almost occupying the living room floor.

"How many equipments do you have? That chest is bigger than me." I say and grab my backpack.

"Not much, but my quidditch uniform is also inside that needs stitching and I might have to ask mom to make me another one." Fred replies, he wipes off the droplets of sweat on his forehead and pushes his hair back.

"You two better go upstairs and get settled, I'll start making dinner." Molly smiles as she wipes her hands.

*few hours later*

"Mom, have you seen my old blanket?" Ginny's voice echoes in the hallway, slight creeks of the wood floor faints in a distance.

The old burrow got burned down and sabotaged by deatheaters, fortunately they were lucky enough to rebuild it but bigger and better. Which means, bigger space and more rooms.

Even though Fred and George grew up sharing bedrooms they decided to have separates ones for privacy, and of course, privacy for me and Fred.. well, I might jinx it.

Since most of the house is wood, every movement and footsteps makes a sound. But for Fred? He doesn't give a fuck.

While some of them are downstairs Fred wanted to do something first before we have dinner.

Fred lifts me easily holding me by my thighs while kissing me hungirly, he moves forward and places me down his desk. I slightly leand back at the wall making a thud sound. I gasp remembering next door is George's room.

"Fuck." I whispered in shock but still in ecstasy while Fred 'a kisses trails down my chest. "Can't you be more quieter?" I hissed.

"What? I'm not the one moaning." Fred smirks and winked while sliding his hand inside my shirt. He unclips my bra easily, while I undress he unties his cargo pants and pulls it down.

"All I'm saying is that anyone can easily hear us if we - oh fuck!" I squealed as Fred pushes himself deep in me.

Gasps and groaning filled the room, I gripped on the desk trying to contain making any more sounds. Fred bites his lips as he starts to move his hips.

The desk started squeaking on the floor when he picked up his pace, at this point I didn't care anymore. "Oh shit... fu- fred mmm god." I hugged him with my arm while my other hand scratches his back leaving red lines.

"God you're so- fuck so good." Fred lets out breathlesly. He lfits me and puts me on the bed. We switched positioned, he laid down while I'm on top.

"Go on baby, ride me like a good girl." Fred hold me by my waist as I move my hips.


"Ginny dear, would you be kind to call your brothers? Tell them dinner is almost ready." Molly says while setting the table.

Ginny nods and runs upstairs, she goes straights to George's room and knocks on the door. "George dinner's almost ready!"

"I'll be right down, just getting dressed." He replies. Ginny was about to knock on Ron's but remembers he's outside with Hermione.

After calling Percy and Bill she then goes to Fred's room which is at the end of the hallway. "Fred? (y/n)? dinner's almo-"

"Yeah we'll be right down." Fred opens the door slightly while catching his breath.

"Uh.. you ok?" Ginny asks confused. "Yeah.. uh... I'm good just need air." Fred exhales deeply.

"Oookay... just go down so we can... start dinner." Ginny says suspiciously and heads downstairs.

"I can't tell if ginny knows or she's that innocent." I giggled. "She knows. Trust me, and besides I know that she's not innocent anymore." Fred replies and cuddles me.

"How?" I ask.
"Well... few days before the holiday started I saw him at hogsmead walking out of a potions shop." Fred says smirking.
"So... its either he bought a birth control potion or a stimulant potion or a box of condoms." Fred laughs.
"How do you know all of that fredrick?" I sneered at him.
"Remember the candy we ate the night of the yule ball?" He asks.
"Yeah, you said it has magic."
"Actually, I bought the candy and a potion separately. Then I let the candies soak on the potion so it could absorb enough." Fred smiles sinisterly.

It clicked on my mind that night when we took the candy we were feral, we almost broke the bed and ripped the curtain in his dorm.

"Now you know."
"Oh god." I covered my face in embarrassment.
"Wanna bet? Which one do you think Harry bought?" Fred asks as it it was a game.
"Shut the fuck up! That's gross." I pushed off Fred and got dressed.

He's laughing hard at my reaction. "Come one it was just a joke... but you can still guess."
"Just get up and get dressed, I don't want your mother knocking at your door." I rolled my eyes at him.

Then the knocking. Both me and Fred froze. "I got it." He says. He opens the door and its George. "We're having dinner now, mum wants you two now."

"Alright alright, give us few minutes to tidy up." Fred shooes him.
"Be quick. She wouldn't stop talking about (y/n)." He replies.

Before Fred could close the door Geroge stops and turned back. "Oh and uh, next time use a spell. Remember, the house is made up of wood." George pats Fred's shoulder and walked away.

Fred closes the door then turns to me with a blank expression.

"I told you." I said pointing at him.
"At least only george heard it." Fred scratches his head.
"Are you fu- nevermind wear your shirt and let's go."
"No round 2?" He asks shrugging his shoulders.
"Let's go." I ignored his question and went out of the room.
"Round 2 later it is." He says happily and closes the room.

𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now