Mistake | Fred Weasley

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The Weasley twins are known for their pranks and crazy inventions that everyone at Hogwarts will never forget. One day, the twins have decided to explore the secret passages hidden within the castle, George, who keeps the Marauders map, is studying it and picks which passageway they'd explore first.

Fred came in the common room fresh from the bath. He spots George sitting down on the couch with eyebrows knitted together and eyes fixed on the map.

"Too serious to be you, Georgie." Said Fred, and sat down next to him. He follows George's finger as he traces a path on the map.

"Hm?.. oh, sorry. Its just that I noticed something." George lifts the map and lays it on their lap. "If you look closely, there's one passageway that is connected to a two different exits." George circles the two unknown location. Fred listens attentively.

"Where do you think they lead to?" Asked Fred.
George looks at him blankly. "I don't know. maybe to a secret room that's been closed off for many years." George answers with a deep sigh. He passes the map to Fred and stood up, stretching his arms. "I'll just take a quick bath, then we can start exploring. Wait for me, yeah?"

"Sure. Take your time." Fred answered. George went upstairs and left Fred alone in the common room. He started studying the map and saw everyone's name and where they are. His curiosity about the two secret exit occured. "Where could they lead to?"

"Its just around this corner... Found it! Fred, come on." George whispered yelled for his brother's name as they sneak in the hallway. Fred was checking every corners making sure no one sees them, and quickly followed George.

"Are you sure this is it?" Fred asks, his heart started beating fast but tried hiding it. George carefully slides his hands behind the painting, he felt a cold wind, colder than nighttime. He then slowly pulls the painting when Fred grabs his shoulder.

"I don't think this is a good idea." Said Fred.
"You're kidding, right? You're backing up now?"
"I just... I have this bad feeling. Can we just go to a different one? I really don't like this one." Fred's palms started sweating. George turns to face him clenching his jaw. "Fred, we could discover something worth the trouble. Something we could use for our pranks or better yet, for our shop. It can be our main attraction, and we could get a lot of customers."

Fred was contemplating. He and George have been dreaming of owning a joke shop for years, but will this be worth it? Fred didn't answer, he stood in front of his brother only speaking with his eyes, praying that George might change is mind.

"I really have a bad feeling about this." Fred sighs in defeat and pulls out his wand.
"It'll be worth it I promise." George who is also holding his wand.
"Lumos." Both said in unison, the tip of their wands lit up and they make their way down the stairs.

The deeper they go the colder the atmosphere it got, Fred's hand was shaking but ignored it.

"Merlin, its much colder here than in the Slytherin's common room." Fred exhales.
"How do you know?" George asks looking at him.
"I sneaked in."
"Uhuh." George raises his eyebrow.
"Fine. (y/n) helped me sneak in and we went to Malfoy's room to destroy his stuff."
"And why is that?"
"As (y/n) told me, Malfoy sabotaged her potions and got her in trouble for it. Malfoy then got at the top of their class and was not-so-really complemented by Snape."
"That git, always the fucker he is." The twins reaches the bottom of the stairs, George pulls out the map.

"We're here. The two exits' not far, come on." As they walk the dark passageway Fred felt his stomach twist. "What are you looking for?" George looks at Fred.

"Something's not right... I just know it." Fred stood still. They found the two exits, George walked closer to the left one, Fred watches him closely while holding at his wand tightly. "Go check the other one." Said George.

"WHAT?! I'm not getting closer." Fred strongly differ from him.
"You're just gonna take a peak." George snares. Fred curses at him in his mind, he cautiously approaches.
"What do you see?" George's voice echoes the cold cave.
"Just darkness." Fred replied. He steps closer as he thought he saw something at the bottom.
"Hey, I-I think I see some-" before he could finish his sentence, George was screaming for help.
"Fred! Fred help me!" George's voice filled with fear. "Fred, I'm slipping... Fred!" George tried his best holding onto the wet concrete for dear life. When Fred took a step back a black figure grabs his ankle, preventing him from moving. He tries to shake free but it was too strong. Fred then lost his balance and slips down just like George.

"George! Oh fuck, I'm stuck!" Fred was still fighting the dark figure trying to pull him down.
"Fred, hold on. I think I can get out... just try to hold on." George begged his brother. Fred's nails scratching the floor, breathing fast and adrenaline took over his body. "Fred! Fred!" George cried out.

When Fred caught a glimpse of George he reaches out his hand. Their fingertips touches but Fred is loosing his grip from the wet concrete. "Fred!" George reaches for his brother's hand desperately trying to save him.

"Hey George." Fred looks at his eyes. "Make sure you put a picture of me in the shop. I'll watch over you." Fred lost hope on his grip and accepted his fate, he slides down the dark path while his brother's voice cries out for him.

"Fred! No, Fred- you bloody-" George kneels down on the ground and cries. "I had you. I already had you."

Part 2 soon...

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