Chapter 3

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I waved bye to Jeno as I walked to my bus and got on. I saw Joy in a seat with an opening and plopped down next to her. She looked up from her phone and at me.

"Did you find out if time travel was real or not?" She asked, clearly to mess with me.

"No" I replied, which was technically a lie.

"We all have those moments little bro," She said and I pouted while looking at her.

The bus pulled away from the school and eventually, I got home. As I walked through the door, my phone started buzzing in my pocket. I answered and was bombarded with questions about what happened.

"Taeyong, chill out" I said.

I heard him take a deep breath before speaking.

"Sorry, I'm just shocked" He said.

After a moment of Taeyong nerves dying back down to normal, a beep is heard and Yeji starts speaking.

"Hey Boys!" She said and then brought up a topic that I didn't expect.

"Hey Jaemin, if my vision is correct, I saw you with Jeno"

"What?" Taeyong asks, not knowing about the situation somehow.

"I...may have been walking to the buses with him. I bumped into him on my way back to class from the principal'office-"

"The principal'office? What did you do?" Yeji cut me off, and I just had a feeling Taeyong was itching to know too.

They couldn't know though, not yet at least.

"Personal stuff" I replied to her questions.

"Ok, nevermind then" Yeji said and then Joy called me downstairs.

"Gotta go, my sister's calling me" I told them and hung up.

As I get downstairs, Joy mentions the one thing she heard.

"Jaemin, I wasn't eavesdropping or anything, but I was listening in-"

"That's the same thing-"

"Anyway, why were you with Jeno?" She finally got to her point.

"If you were 'listening in', you would have heard that too," I said sarcastically and went to the table to do homework.


The next day as I walk into the building, a familiar voice calls out to me. My heart skips a beat at their tone as I look around for them.

"Jaemin, over here" They calm out again and I see Jeno, walking my way.

His friendly vibe was making my heart melt into nervous butterflies. His simplisticly handsome outfit made those butterflies fly all throughout me in a panic as he walked closer and closer. I tried looking away, but it was already too late and he was right in front of me.

His blue and black outfit, along with the slight hint of lemon scent made his features all the more eye-catching.

"Want to walk to class together?" He asked and I could barely process why he was saying, he was so close.


"Theater is first. Since we both have it, I thought we could walk together"

"Oh, wait theatre's first?"

He nodded and I checked my schedule to see that theater, was packing infact, first period.

"S-Sure," I said and Jeno started walking away.

I wanted to move forward, but for some reason I couldn't. My legs froze in place as my brain tried to comprehend the fact that I, Na Jaemin, was walking to class with the one guy everyone has eyes for, Lee Jeno. Jeno noticed my absence by his side and called out to me again.

"Are you coming?" He asked, snapping me out of my trance.

"Yeah, I'm coming" I said and finally moved, catching up.

I walked slowly in step at his side, and then I felt something land in my hands.

It was his hand!

I was internally freaking out and wanted to pull away, knowing what people might have said. I looked at the people around us and they were staring and whispering. I felt like hot water had been poured all over me as we walked. I then started to freak out about my hand getting clammy in his and it made me want to pull away even more, But I didn't.

I felt so conflicted, but my mental battle ended when we finally got to class and he let go of my hand. I wiped my hand on my jeans, knowing it was probably coated in nervous sweat. My heart was pounding and I looked down, redness forming on my cheek.

"You're cute" I heard someone mumble and looked up, but the only person in my vicinity was Jeno.

"Did you say something?" I asked him, and he faced me.



I looked away and my heart was still beating loudly, knowing what I heard. 

"You're cute" I heard again and looked up to the same situation again.

My face was getting even more red and Jeno just so happened to notice that of all things.

"You're bright red. Are you feeling ok?" He asked and reached for my hand.

"I'm prefectly fine" I said, nervously laughing.

"Are you flustered?" He asked.


"You're either nervous, or flustered" 

"I'm fine, I promise"

I was trying to think of a way to change the subject as quick as possible, and just spat out the first thing that came to mind.

"Why did you let go of my hand?"

I didn't realize what I'd said until it was too late.

Damn it Jaemin!

I felt like face palming so bad in that situation, because it only made the situation worse for me.

"Because we got here" He said, and eyed our classmates further down the seats.

"Did you not wanna let go?" He teased and I felt my face become even more red than it already was.

"What?"I asked, and he just smirked at me.

I tried to calm down as best as I could and managed to get my face from a beet to more of a strawberry, but not for long.

"You're cute when your blushing like that" Jeno said out of the blue and my heart almost jumped out of my chest.

I looked at him, sinking into the pool of stars in his eyes before getting caught off guard by the teacher. Jeno faced the front of the room and I just looked away from him, trying to control my heart from the compliment he just gave me.

𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝙸𝚗 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝙾𝚗𝚎) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now