Is That a Spider in Your Pants?

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Or are you just happy to see me? ;)
seriously. you have been warned.
The project looked great..., they finally finished it. Peter took a deep breath in, and sighed,"It's done."
Wade was just as shocked. "Wow."
"Yeah...," he paused,"what are we going to do now?"
Wade hugged him from behind, and whispered in his ear,"I have a few ideas."
A shiver ran down Peter's back, and his heart started to beat like he was swing from web to web. There was a sense of thrill and excitement as Wade started to pepper kisses down his neck. The pace was slow, but there was still a sense of urgency behind each gentle kiss.

Wade stopped at the collar of Peter's shirt, and mouthed at it, hinting for him to take it off.
Obliging, Peter took off his own shirt, and waited for Wade to take off his own. Wade, too, took his own shirt off, but only after sticking out his tongue in retaliation.
Peter just smirked causing Wade to kiss the cockiness away. Butterflies
/still/ invaded Wade's stomach every time their lips met. Something about Peter made him feel on cloud nine.

Peter's lips were the only heaven Wade would ever taste, and he didn't mind. It felt right, kissing him up against the kitchen island on a rainy Saturday. They survived another week of school, and Peter pulled through another week without his dads. It took a toll on him, Wade'd be lying if he said he didn't notice. The least he could do was this; take his mind off his dads.

Peter moaned as Wade bit his bottom lip. The small squeak struck a cord in Wade, hitting all the right places, encouraging him to continue.  Peter's heard only pumped faster, knowing that 1) this was totally against the rules 2) definitely hot 3) what he wanted more than anything.

As Wade continued to lead, Peter could only writhe in pleasure. You know that fuzzy feeling in your chest? The one that makes you feel like you would do anything because one person is your everything? It's called love. And Peter was getting it hard.

That wasn't the only thing getting hard, to be blunt. Wade laughed a bit as they pulled away out of another kiss. "Is that a spider in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

Blushing,Peter only hissed back a weak 'that doesn't even make sense' before Wade went right back to sucking on Peter's neck. He bit softly as he kissed porcelain skin, earning tiny mewls and moans out of the boy.

"Are we going to do this... for real?" His eyes were wide, partly thrilled, partly terrified. He knew where this was going, but only because of his laptop's search history.

"Only if you want, baby boy," Wade sighed with a smile. He then started trailing down Peter's chest. It wasn't very defined,but Wade knew how strong he really was. He was about to lead Peter to a wall or couch, until he interjected.

"Could we move this to my room?" The brunette boy interrupted. To which Wade responded by picking up Peter bridal style, causing him to audibly yelp.  "You don't have to carry me...!"

"Hey, you might be a first timer at this stuff, but I'm what they call a romantic," Wade laughed as he carried his boyfriend- who seemed to weigh the same as a sack of potatoes. "But seriously, do you even eat enough? Like, super metabolism and all?" Peter only rolled his eyes.

As they got into the bedroom, Wade tossed Peter on to the bed with the springs groaning at the force. He really did feel as heavy as sack of potatoes

Wade looked over his boyfriend with predatory eyes. He licked his chapped lips as he crawled onto the bed, only adding onto the illusion.

"You still wanna do this, Petey?" Wade asked, his tone now husky, almost sultry. Peter could only respond by nodding as Wade started undoing his pant's zipper.
A bit of relief flooded Peter's senses as Wade fully removed his pants, but it quickly faded as he was being teased. He started to squirm as Wade kissed the insides of his thighs, setting them on fire with sensation. More moans and groans slipped past Peter's bit lips, even though he was quite embarrassed by his needy noises. Even his Spidey-Senses were going crazy, which never happened when he... was alone.

Wade had a wolfish grin, before mouthing Peter through his underwear. "F-fuck," was what tumbled out of Peter's mouth as Wade continued. "Take them off," he practically growled, becoming needy.
"What's the magic word, sweet cheeks?"
"Please-" he was cut off my his own strangled noise as Wade kissed up his spread thighs. He hastily worked up to his hips, where he worked Peter's boxers off with his teeth.

Quick and breathless, Peter gasped as a rush of cold air hit his cock. The freedom from the boxers was nice, but now all he wanted was true relief. Wade quickly made work, however, not making Peter wait. He gently took the swollen head into his mouth, and practically worshiped it with his tongue. He kept this up as he kept taking more and more of Peter into his mouth, the salty taste of precum not an issue.

Wade didn't mind a dick in his mouth. At this point, he was a bit of a blowjob professional, let alone experienced in the field, so he knew that's as far as he could take Peter. Not that he didn't dream of going farther, it's just that he Peter didn't have much stamina- even if he was a super. This probably being his first time, so it was only natural . He started to bob his head, hearing encouragement from Peter's filthy mouth. It's lucky Peter's parents were rich, or else he would go broke paying off the swear jar. His nose was in pubes, but you deal with the small stuff like that when you're in love. That and natural body smell, feet, bad habits, quirks, and how expensive a night out can be when you both have a Superhero appetite.

Peter squirmed a bit and accidentally bucked his hips up, while still in Wade's mouth. "Sorry!" But, truthfully, he wasn't sorry one bit. It had felt amazing.
Wade just continued bobbing his head, getting Peter to moan again, but this time with more urgency,"I'm gonna c-"

He was cut off by his own release. Wade wasn't surprised, and swallowed. It tastes gross, but again, that's one of those 'sacrifices of love'.

After a bit of a breather, Peter looked back at Wade in disbelief. "What?"

"You swallowed," Peter whispered with his nose scrunched. Wade only shrugged in reply and went to kiss him. "Ew, no, brush your teeth you just had my dick in your mouth."

Wade laughed,"That's my Petey." After ruffling his hair, Wade went to the bathroom to deal with his own problem. Seeing Peter all worked up like that- it was enough to cum from just that.

To spare the details, a vivid and quite lewd imagination got Wade over the limit. He imagined his large, calloused hands were smaller, smoother ones, and his quiet groans were Peter's. It was a bit silly- even Wade would admit- not asking Peter to just do it, but he was embarrassed by his scarred skin. He knew Peter still liked him nonetheless, but he was still self conscious.

[That's all you guys needed to hear.]
[What he said!]
Wade's boxes asserted. "Wow, chatty, what's the occasion?"
[This chapter, that's what.]
"And I thought Jarvis was the only party pooper," Wade snorted as he finished washing his hands. Yes, he does care about his hygiene... or at least he did when Peter is involved.

Speaking of Peter, Wade walked back into his room. He stopped to admire Peter's scandalously naked chest. "Wow, I never knew you worked out," the blonde joked.
"Web-head, remember?"
"Oh yeah, I forget that we actually /do/ hero work sometimes- or at least you do. I'm more of an anti-hero- y'know. Root for the bad guy," Wade sighed as he sat down on Peter's bed.
"You're not a bad guy, Wade. You just have problems following the rules," Peter smiled, letting Wade snuggle with him.
"You keep telling yourself that, okay? I think you just won't admit you like bad boys. You don't wanna disappoint ol' Pops."

It was only a joke, but it still made Peter ache, knowing that his fathers were still on a risky mission. He only sighed in response, wallowing in self pity.

Wade, in an attempt to comfort Peter, gently whispered,"They'll be home soon. I just know it."

Yell at me in the comments. I am gross

February, 29, 2016 edit!

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