Chapter 25: A Strange Sight

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Alexander walked through the cabin as music played lightly in the background. Streams of light from the sun rising over the horizon poured into the room with great intensity. He felt a peace deep in his soul. This is where he needed to be during this time. Not just the location of his body, but the location of his spirit which seemed to nestle closely to God.

The gentle piano instrumentals playing in the background mingled perfectly with sounds of birds that began their early morning routine.

"This is all so... different," he spoke quietly, but not to himself, yet to the One he knew was listening in.

"I'm so used to a fast paced lifestyle and these past few weeks have been anything but that. I- I prefer this much more." He said calmly.

Sipping a bottle of water, he walked over to the edge of his bed and grabbed the notebook that he brought along with him. He clicked play on a new instrumental and began to scribble the date and time as he began.

"Hi Father,

As the day has begun, I already feel the joy bubbling up within me. It's been so nice to be in the silence with You. I've been hoping to learn what it means to be "consecrated," as I've heard that term being used in a short sermon I watched days ago.

I just pray, please keep my friends and dear cousin safe. Please cover them and protect them.

And please, please help me to focus on You. I hope that by the end of this I desire your company more than everything else and that I learn to be with you day by day and moment by moment.

Thank you Father."

Alexander concluded his journal entry. He leaned his head back against the pillow. He felt understandably tired. It was only 6 a.m., but he had woken up around 4 a.m. to spend time with the Lord.

He had woken up naturally around that time and although he felt a tad bit groggy when he did wake, he felt the urge to spend time with the Lord. He came to the conclusion that it was very likely that the Lord woke him up at that time with the purpose of spending time with him, so instead of fighting it, he decided to remain awake and seek His face.

There was something so peaceful about being in the presence of the Lord. He found himself imagining Him sitting before him with large bright eyes, attentive of his every word and in doing this, he felt the presence of God so rapidly.

It was like a warm blanket of peace wrapped around him and Alexander began to notice rather quickly that his heart was filling with gratitude. He found that he could easily remain in prayer for a long while and honestly, he desired to.

Just skimming through the old testament and reading about Daniel and David from his devotional recommendation, he saw that the two men had a lot in common, but one main thing stood out to him.

How they prayed.

They seemed to spend hours upon hours of praying and they were considered to be great men of God. They didn't have to hide their weakness from God, instead they acknoweldged their weaknesses and learned to rely on Him in all matters.

David prayed constantly, through the good and bad and he was a repentant man when he was called out on his transgression. While Daniel prayed three times a day faithfully, despite orders to not pray to the One True God.

Alexander would be lying if he said that hearing the lives of those two men didn't inspire him. His mind drifted back and forth between the Biblical accounts of both of them and how they lived for the Lord. He was intrigued by it.

He desired to be close to the Lord as well. Just as they were. He desired to know Him well.

And in that moment he had a flashback of when he first met Arielle. He had no idea just how much his life would change in a few short weeks. He had gone from working like another cog in the machine and being focused on the endless climbing of the business ladder- but when he met her his world flipped upside down.

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