Chapter 28: Almost a Normal Day

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Devin rubbed his eyebrows as they continued to furrow at the problem at hand. He paced back and forth in the living room. The light that streamed in seemed to splice the room in half, leaving Alexander and Devin in the light, while the intruder and some of the guards remained in it's shadow.

To Alexander, it felt as though the walls were shrinking in. There was no erasing the shock of seeing one of his own employees there before him, but there they stood.

Jeremy's eyes were bloodshot.

Wild even.

His green eyes appeared darker, in more ways than one. Alexander could see him scanning the room, scanning the faces. He couldn't detect the emotion he was experiencing right then, but at that moment, it didn't seem that it mattered.

It was shocking that someone like Jeremy would ever team up with Lorenzo. Why would he team up with the man who placed Arielle's life in danger on more than one occasion? Did he know? Wouldn't he have to realize? Did he ever truly care about Arielle?

Alexander diverted his gaze to the windows. This time he felt at ease, knowing that the swaying of the branches and the gentle nudge of the bushes didn't indicate a threat any longer.

What more would be uncovered? He wondered.

"I don't know what we're going to do with him," mumbled Devin. He leaned on the counter toward Alexander as he kept his eyes trained on Jeremy.

"Hand him over to the police. There's nothing more for us to do. It'll be one less person that Lorenzo has access to." Alexander sighed before pushing himself up off away from the countertop and making his way out of the room.

"Are you sure you didn't want to ask him anything first?" Devin asked. He waved his hand toward Jeremy, who had nestled his gaze onto the floor.

"I... I don't know. However I guess you're right." Alexander shook his head and walked back over to where his guards stood around Jeremy.

"I can't tell you anything," Jeremy abruptly spoke before Alexander could say anything to him.

"And why is that?" He asked. His voice didn't give away how tired he felt. His sleep was rather horrible the night before, but he fought the sleep behind his eyes.

"Because I don't know anything. I just wanted to protect Arielle," he muttered.

"How would coming here, stalking us, and potentially breaking in, protect Arielle?" Alexander asked incredulously. The concept was wild to him, contradictory. He planted himself in the seat across from them, keeping his elbows on his knees.

Jeremy's dark green eyes met Alexander's. They were cloudy, holding their own confusion.

"I- I wish I knew what to tell you. I can tell just from how you guys have been talking and pacing for the past two hours, that I've been tricked, and now... Now I'm worried." Jeremy's statement slowly became a whisper, but Alexander caught all of it. His gaze fell back to the floor as the men around him remained silent.

"Why would you be worried?" Alexander asked while looking him up and down. He could tell from the state of his clothes that the outdoors didn't grant him much kindness.

Jeremy's eyes slowly raised again, but this time, the dark hues of green were laced with a strong emotion.


"If he lied to me, that means he lied to them." His words were shaky, but a hint of anger seeped through regardless.

"To who?" Alexander's head was beginning to hurt, but he kept his demeanor stern as he waited for a response.

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