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Bottom Vincent sinclair :3

You sat on the stairs that connected to the wax house, checking out the peaceful view as the cold breeze struck at you. It was quiet, relaxing, and calming. That until Bo came interrupting with his bitchy attitude. "I need you to help me with something." Bo asked you in that harsh tone of his. You didn't respond, making Bo more irritated.

"I said I need help with something. Are you deaf?!" Bo spat, an annoyed expression started forming on his face. "Fine, fine, I'll help you. But with what?" You responded, getting up from your spot on the stairs. "I need help repairing my truck." You raised an eyebrow, giving a confused look. "Alright, whatever. I'll help you." You followed Bo where he led you to his truck.

After helping Bo, you noticed the sun was setting. After saying goodbye to Bo, you walked back to the house of wax, where your boyfriend, Vincent, was. You were excited to see him after not seeing him almost the entire day. Once you closed the door, you walked your way to the basement where Vincent was. He was working on a sculpture. "Hey vinny, how are you?" You asked, giving him a hug from behind as you rested your chin on his shoulder.

Vincent placed his hand on yours. With his free hand, he gave you a thumbs up, meaning he was doing good. "I missed you a bunch." You smiled, kissing his cheek. Well, his mask.

After a few minutes you were settled on top of the bed, admiring Vincent as he worked. You threw your head back, closing your eyes. While you were thinking, you felt someone crawling on top of you. It was Vincent. You opened your eyes, giving Vincent a smile as he placed his head on your chest. You kissed the top of his head, stroking his long black hair.

"I hadn't seen that handsome face all day, mind showing me?" You asked, smiling. Vincent lifted his head off your chest, slowly taking the mask off. He looked away embarrassed. You placed both your hands on both his cheeks, making him face you. You pulled him into a kiss, removing one hand from his cheek down his back groping his ass gently.

Your tongues danced together as Vincent began to grind against you. You chuckled lightly, pressing both your bodies against each other more. Vincent whines lightly as you pull away from the kiss. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" You asked. Vincent nodded his head quickly. A grin broke out on your face as you leaned in placing kisses on vincents neck, nibbling on it also.

Vincent moaned lightly as you started unbuckling your belt. After removing it, you threw it on the floor. Slowly sliding your pants down, you helped Vincent take his pants off. After your and vincents' pants are removed (and boxers), Vincent lowered himself on your throbbing erection. Vincent groaned out in pain and pleasure as he took you. You moaned lightly, gripping onto vincents waist as he began to move.

"That's right.. You're doing a good job." You moaned out, praising Vincent. Vincent loved being praised by you. After hearing you say this, he sped up his pace. Skin slapping against each other filled the room. Your grip on vincents waist tightened as you felt you were close. "I'm close.. so fucking close. Keep going. You're doing a perfect job." You praised again as you threw your head back, moaning loudly as you came into Vincent. Vincent collapsed on your chest, breathing heavily.

You smiled tiredly, kissing the top of vincents' head. After vincent got off you, he laid next to you. You held onto him, kissing his lips and cheek. 

Morning came, opening your eyes you noticed Vincent was gone. Getting up from the bed, you threw on some sweatpants and a white tank top. Going up the stairs, you saw Bo sitting on the wax couch. "Hey, what are you doing here?" You asked, giving Bo a confused look. "I got tired to walk home, so i slept here. Couldn't get much sleep anyway." Bo replied, staring at the floor. "Oh. Why couldn't you get much sleep?"

"Yeah I wonder why I didn't get no fucking sleep last night" Bo responded, turning his head to look at you.

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