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Vincent had sex before, surprisingly. It's been a long time since he has since he had it in his 20s. He has been craving to do it again as he wanted to feel something sexual inside him again. There was a male who was walking into town. The male was y/n as he was kidnapped into the town. He had gotten along with the two killers there. "Well, I have some clothing at my house. Do you wanna drive by?" Bo said, leaning against the entrance of the gas station as y/n turned to look at him.

"That be great. But how would I know you won't kill me?" Y/n asked with a raised eyebrow. "I won't hurt you darlin'. If I were too, I would have done it already." Bo chuckled as y/n tilted his head with a curious gaze. Y/n decided to follow Bo to the house as he explained the story behind the town. As they arrived at the house, y/n asked if he could use the bathroom inside. "Go right ahead." Bo said as he let him inside the house. "Bathroom is right up there."

Bo instructed as he went into another room to change and grab the clothes for y/n. Meanwhile, y/n had used the bathroom and quickly finished washing his hands. He was being quite nosy as he went into a room, which a desk was in the room filled with stuff on it. Y/n began to hum a song he liked, looking at the stuff on the desk before the light cut out.

Y/ns racing heart could be heard miles away as he felt a strong grip against him, bending him on the table. "Is that you?!" Y/n asked as he was indicating to Bo. When no reply, y/n felt a hand run along on his waist. Vincent's cold hands lifted up y/ns shirt, revealing his back. "Vincent?" Y/n said his name, which alerted Vincent. "Vincent, is that you..?"Y/n asked again as Vincent pressed tighter against him, his erection pressing against y/ns ass. Y/n groaned as Vincent touched his perky nipples, squeezing them lightly. "Vincent.. please let me know its you.." y/n begged to know if it was Vincent touching him like this, which Vincent let him knew it was him by turning the lamp on. Y/n gotten to look behind to see Vincent, Vincent tilting his head as he roughly pushed y/n back against the desk, bending him over it.

"Vincent.." y/n was went quiet as Vincent squeezed his nipples harder, causing him to whimper. Vincent  moved y/ns hair, revealing his neck. Vincent leaned down, placing the lips of his mask against his skin. y/n felt the wax of the mask against his skin, getting impatient as he wanted something to happen quicker. Vincent seemed to notice the inpatientness of y/n as he straightened up, his hands trailing down to y/ns pants. He slowly slid them down to his knees, a pair of black boxers covering him. Vincent also slid down the boxers revealing y/ns smooth ass to him, Vincent squeezing his ass as his finger trailed over his hole.

y/n felt his breath hitched in his throat as he could feel Vincent's finger sliding into him, y/n moaning lightly. "Vincent.." y/n moaned, saying his name for the billionth time. Vincent lingered him, moving his finger in and out of him before pressing another finger inside him, trying to get him ready. y/n was surprised that Vincent even knew how to have sex, or even know what it is.. Vincent seemed more of the type to be shy and nervous with that topic, but he was working his magic right here on y/n.

Vincent took his finger out of y/ns pink, tight hole as he touched his own pants, pulling it down along with his underwear. Vincent touched his dick, stroking it before he pressed the tip of his dick against y/ns hole, sliding into y/ns tight hole slowly as he admired how y/ns walls pressed against his member. "g-god good.." y/n stuttered as pleasure and pain were mashed into together. "could you go slow..? I've never done this before and it hurts." Vincent slid his entire member inside y/n, waiting for the consent to move. after a few seconds, y/n seem to relax around his dick. "Alright you can move." Vincent slowly, but surely moved in out of y/ns hole, thrusting into him at a slow movement to not hurt him.

"go faster please!" y/n begged as he moaned at the feeling of Vincent thrusting inside him, wanting more of him as he been wanting to do this. Vincent quicken the pace as he pulled all the way out and slammed back into him. Vincent could be heard silently moaning as he loved the feeling of y/n around his ass like that. "You're doing great.. you're so good at this, God please more baby.." Vincent felt as his lust began stronger as y/n praised him like this, Vincent fucking him even tighter before he could feel his orgasm build up. Vincent leaned over. his chest pressing against y/ns back as he was huffing. He gripped onto y/ns hand, feeling like he was gonna bust anytime soon now. One last thrust and Vincent came into y/n, y/n moaning loudly one last time as he could feel Vincent's sticky, hot cum in his entrance

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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