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"Baby?" Namjoon called out when he got home. He knew Jin went out with Jimin and Jungkook earlier to go shopping, but he called out just in case he got home earlier than expected. Namjoon got no reply. Perfect.

Namjoon went to hide the ring safely in their shared room. He put it in a box at the top of the closet where Jin couldn't reach (which Namjoon found adorable when Jin came to him asking for help to reach) and covered it with clothes. After that, he didn't really have anything to do. He knew Jin was coming home soon, so he decided to just tidy up the apartment in the meantime.

After a few minutes of cleaning, Namjoon heard the door open.

"Joonie?" Jin called out. Namjoon set the vacuum down and went over to the front door.

"Hey, baby," Namjoon greeted, wrapping his arms around Jin's waist and kissing his forehead. His forehead felt really warm.

"I don't feel good, Joonie. My stomach hurts," Jin sniffled. He was shaking in Namjoon's arms.

"Look at me," Namjoon ordered. When Jin looked up, he looked pale and a bit sweaty.

"Oh, baby, you're sick," Namjoon sighed. He bent down and picked Jin up, carrying him to their room.

Namjoon put Jin down and helped him take off his sweater so he wouldn't be too hot.

"I'm gonna run to the store and grab you some medicine, okay?" Namjoon said, tucking Jin under the blankets.

"No," Jin whined. "Stay with me, I wanna cuddle."

"We can cuddle after, baby," Namjoon sighed. "I'll only take a few minutes."

"Please stay," Jin pouted, grabbing Namjoon's hand. "I don't want to be alone."

As always, Namjoon couldn't resist Jin. He got in bed beside him and lay on his side to face him.

"I feel better now," Jin smiled, scooching closer and curling up against Namjoon's chest. He closed his eyes as the younger repeatedly kissed the top of his head, melting into Namjoon's warmth.

After a bit of cuddling and kissing, Jin was asleep. Namjoon took this opportunity to go out and buy some medicine and soup.

He reached behind him and grabbed a pillow to replace himself with in Jin's arms. Namjoon carefully lifted Jin's head off his chest and put it on the pillow, then slipped off the bed. He was still fast asleep.

Namjoon quickly and quietly grabbed his keys and went out the front door but when he went to close it, a gust of wind from the open window slammed the door shut. Namjoon could only hope that Jin didn't wake up.


After the loud bang, Jin woke up, eyes still closed.

"Joonie?" He whispered, tapping on the pillow that he thought was Namjoon. When he got no response, he opened his eyes.

Jin's face immediately fell when he saw that Namjoon wasn't there. Ever since they moved in together, he couldn't sleep without being against Namjoon's chest and in his arms. Then he was angry.

Jin sat there playing with his hands and glaring at his lap for several minutes before he heard the door open and close quietly, then footsteps leading to their room.

"Oh, you're awake, baby," Namjoon said nervously as he peeked through the door. Jin pouted and crossed his arms, looking away from Namjoon.

"Jin, it was only a few minutes," Namjoon sighed. Still no response.

"Alright then, have fun cuddling with that pillow," Namjoon said teasingly, waiting for a reaction from Jin. He got what he wanted.

Jin quickly looked at him with a sad expression. He had pleading puppy eyes and a small frown still on his face.

"No!" Jin said quickly. "I'll stop ignoring you now, please cuddle with me."

"In a minute, I'm gonna make you some soup first."

Jin's angry pout returned.

"I'll feed you," Namjoon said.

Jin's expression changed immediately. "Okay," He happily agreed.

Namjoon kissed his forehead then walked out to make Jin his soup. The elder just stared at the roof as he had left his phone in the kitchen earlier. After a few minutes of that, Namjoon returned with a hot bowl of soup in one hand and a medicine for stomach pain in the other.

"You have to have your medicine first, okay?" Namjoon warned, setting down the soup on the bedside table.

Namjoon poured a small portion onto the spoon and brought it to Jin's mouth.

"Open up, baby."

Jin shook his head and turned away like some toddler.

"Jin, you're a grown man, please cooperate," Namjoon sighed, then he got an idea. "I'll cuddle with you all today and tonight," He promised. Jin turned immediately to face him and opened his mouth wide.

Namjoon laughed at his boyfriend's cuteness before feeding him the medicine, which he gagged on. Namjoon kissed his cheek and then set the medicine bottle down on the nightstand, grabbing the soup instead.

He scooched right beside Jin so that their thighs were touching and brought a spoonful to his mouth. Jin leaned against Namjoon's shoulder while he allowed himself to be fed, enjoying the current circumstances. Namjoon kept feeding Jin with one hand while stroking his hair with the other, the bowl of soup on his lap. They kept doing this until the bowl was empty, Jin letting out a satisfied sigh.

"Feeling better?" Namjoon asked, giving Jin butterfly kisses.

"Definitely," Jin replied. "What would I ever do without you?"

"I should ask you the same question," Namjoon said, putting the bowl beside the medicine bottle on the nightstand. "Now, let me fulfill my promise of cuddling you all day."

"As long as you don't abandon me in my sleep again," Jin said, cuddling against Namjoon's chest. The younger chuckled as he pulled Jin into his warmth.

"Don't worry, I won't."

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