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Before the two had left the house, Namjoon grabbed a blindfold to cover Jin's eyes with so he couldn't see where they're going, and some nose plugs so he couldn't smell the flowerly scent of the field. The younger was wearing a simple black suit with a white dress shirt, nothing too fancy. Namjoon had told Jin to dress nice, so that gave him time to finish his plan. He prepared his speech a month ago, shortly after he got the ring, so all he needed to do is figure out what he should do after he proposes. Should he and Jin stay in the field? Should he take Jin out to a fancy restaurant?

Namjoon went with the latter, writing down on his phone: After proposing, take Jin to restaurant. Get his favourite food and dessert.

Jin emerged from their room just as Namjoon finished writing. The younger quickly shoved his phone in his pocket as Jin came over.

Namjoon looked him up and down to see what he was wearing. Jin wore a nice white suit with a white dress shirt, but he still managed to make it look simple. He was a perfect mix between fancy yet casual, just as Namjoon had hoped; he didn't want him to wear something too fancy since they were gonna be in a flower field with dirt.

"You look great, baby," Namjoon complimented, pecking Jin's cheek.

"You do too," Jin smiled.

Namjoon took Jin's hand and led him out the door, down to the main level.

"Where are we going?" Jin asked as they made their way to the car.

"It's a suprise," Namjoon smiled. They made it to Namjoon's car and the younger helped Jin in, quickly going to his own side after.

Namjoon slipped his hand in his pocket and took out the blindfold and nose plugs. Jin looked at him questioningly.

"Here, put this on," Namjoon said, handing him the blindfold. "I'll put the plugs in for you."

After a few minutes of struggling since Namjoon couldn't get the noseplugs in without making Jin laugh from the tickle, he gave up and let Jin put them in himself. The elder grabbed Namjoon's hand, feeling helpless as he couldn't see.

They intertwined fingers immediately after Namjoon started the engine. He was so used to driving with one hand since he used the other to hold Jin's that it felt abnormal to have two hands on the wheel.

"You're not kidnapping me, are you?" Jin asked, his voice sounding a bit funny from his nose being plugged.

"No, I'm not kidnapping you," Namjoon chuckled, rubbing his thumb on the back of Jin's hand. "I'm doing quite the opposite."

"Well, what's the opposite of kidnapping?" Jin wondered aloud.

"You'll see, nosy," Namjoon laughed.

The ride was filled with chatter from the two men. Every single time they stopped at a red light, Jin would ask if they're there yet while Namjoon would nervously pat down his suit, making sure it was still in his pocket. Soon enough, after a few complaints from Jin and a couple near heart attacks from Namjoon because he didn't feel the little box, they arrived on the same stretch of road as last time.

"We're here," Namjoon said, opening his car door. "Stay there, I'll carry you."

Jin waited patiently for Namjoon to come and get him, humming to himself. When he heard the door open, he unbuckled his seatbelt and allowed Namjoon to pick him up.

"Ready?" Namjoon asked, kissing Jin's neck. Jin nodded, shivering slightly from the unexpected kiss.

Namjoon set off, carrying Jin down the flowery trail, not noticing the car pull up behind him.

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