Rules for the Fic

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This fic was requested by a very good friend of mine who got me into Welcome Home in the first place. Without him, this fic wouldn't exist. Sadly, he does not own any fanfic website accounts, so I cannot tag him. However, there are some rules he had for the fanfiction that he wanted me to follow.

1. The characters need to be IN character with how they act in the OFFICIAL art featured in the welcome home website
2. It needs to be G - PG 13 only
3. If characters are going to flirt, it can't lean towards any spiciness, ONLY light flirt (like teases)
4. If characters are going to be in relationships, they need to have a pure healthy relationship that the characters can properly bounce off each other like a duo (refer to the mickey mouse shorts with the Mickey and Minnie episodes)
5. If a character has it hard for another character, it's either subtle, or ALL OUT, but cannot go yandere

I don't plan on straying from these rules, so please do not comment asking for me to change them. The only thing I got to change for this was that it's an X Reader. It was originally supposed to be a Reader Insert, but for my own comfort I was given permission to make it an X Reader.

This is the only time I will ever take a request for a story. This is for a very close friends who knows my comforts and limits. If I had said no to the story request, he would have respected that decision and moved on. He would not push me to do anything I didn't want for this fic and is letting me take the lead on the plot and character details. These reasons are exactly why I am letting him make this request. If it were any other person, I don't know how much I could trust them to respect my boundaries when it comes to writing.

Please do not see this story as an excuse to try and start making fanfic requests. I will continue to deny them no matter what you say, do, or offer.

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