Chapter 8

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As the door to the RV swung shut, Harmony turned to look at you. Her arms crossed and you could see a deep frown on her face, eyebrows knitting together.

"(y/n), are you really ok? Something's been off with you ever since you got that box from Ms. Martin," she said.

"I don't feel like there's something wrong," you mumbled.

"Are you sure? You're one hundred percent positive everything's ok?" she pressed.

"I- I don't know? I mean, I've been having weird dreams, I got hit on the head with a sheet of plywood, and I feel like I've been overworked for the past few months. I just... don't know what I'm supposed to be feeling or how I should be reacting to anything right now," you said, your voice trailing off into a mumble.

"Well, let's start with the weird dreams. What are they about?"

You paused, not sure where to start with them. You felt like they'd make you sound crazy. However, the soft smile that had formed on Harmony's face brought you a sense of comfort. It drew out your words before you realized you had said them.

"Well, in the first one, I think I was in a forest, but I couldn't open my eyes. I heard birds and I could feel grass like- like the sun was just rising but it was still damp from the night air. And there were birds chirping and I could hear music playing in the distance. I... I think that one scared me? That was the one I was apparently thrashing about while it was happening."

"Have all your dreams been like this recently?"

"No, there were two others that were kinda the same, though. I was in the neighborhood from Welcome Home, and all the characters were there. I could talk to them, and they were really nice to me and excited to meet me."

Harmony nodded, letting out a sigh as she said, "I think you watched that episode one too many times."

"Probably. I was up hella late watching it," you said, rubbing the back of your neck.

"And getting hit in the head ain't helping either. I really think you need a few days of R n' R. Like, seriously. Take some time to yourself and just... reset your mental state, ya know?"

You nodded, laying back on the RV bed. You could hear Harmony moving about the RV, rustling through a box of something. Glancing up, you could see her grabbing one of the puppets from the box. Before you could get a good look at who, she turned around and hid the puppet behind her back. You watched her smile as she walked closer to you. Her blue hair bounced with each step, her smile growing wider.

"I think I found someone who has a little message for you about self-care," she said.

"Oh yeah? Who," you said, raising an eyebrow.

In the blink of an eye, the Julie Joyful puppet was in your face. You were a little startled, your body growing tense.

"You should make sure to get your beauty sleep! Everyone needs to make sure they're waking up every day refreshed and energized!" she exclaimed, doing a poor imitation of Julie.

You snorted, covering your mouth before the two of you burst into a fit of laughter. Harmony almost fell over, gripping onto the nearest counter as she wheezed. You were desperately gasping for breath, tears pricking the corners of your eyes.

"T-that- that was shit," you gasped out.

Harmony could barely keep herself standing, sinking to her knees as another wave of laughter washed over her. You could hear the door to the RV opening and the sound of footsteps entering the vehicle.

"What kind of drugs did you two take?" you could hear Velvet mumble.

"S-show her! Show her!" you exclaimed, pointing at the Julie puppet.

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