Chapter 5

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Tightening the straps on your GoPro, you stared through the chain link fence at the building. It looked like it was about to collapse at any second. Windows were shattered and boarded up, crumbling concrete walls, and moss covered most of what was left of the roof. Surprisingly, there was no graffiti, most likely courtesy of the large amount of barbed wire lining the fence. You walked back over to the RV, poking your head inside as you snagged a walkie-talkie off the counter.

You noticed Harmony and Roz laying out some of the ghost hunting gear your group had. The lady had given you all permission to use some of the ghost hunting equipment, but to "not expect much". You didn't see much of a reason to use the devices, since there were no records of there ever being any death here, but Roz made the fair point that there weren't any records of this place, so it would be best to cover all of their tracks.

"I think we should take the thermal cam. It's fun to play around with," Harmony said.

"What about the spirit box?" Roz asked.

"We can take it, but let's not use it unless we start actually getting some sort of activity."

"Oh, (y/n)!" Taking notice of you, Roz darted over and handed you a face mask. It was dense, like the ones you'd frequently see people using for craft projects. "The lady said there shouldn't be any asbestos or toxic fumes in the building, but it's better to be safe than sorry. You really can't be too careful," he said.

You took the mask, pulling it over your head and adjusting it. The material was scratchy, and the rubber band seemed to pull at your hair.

"Ugh... couldn't you have bought the more comfortable ones?" you grumbled.

"The only other high quality ones were the filtration masks, and those were a lot more expensive. Besides, I'm not gonna buy some cheap-o ones off Amazon. They may be 'comfy', but they're not gonna protect you from more than the common cold," he said.

"We'll buy better ones if we keep going to buildings like this. For now, just deal with it," Harmony said. She grabbed a flashlight and another camera off the table, handing them to you. "This one is more of a night vision cam. Any rules on how often we use them?"

You bit the inside of your cheek, furrowing your brows. "I guess however often you want? I'm fine with getting more footage from different cams," you said.

You could see Harmony do a small fist pump, causing you to smile and roll your eyes. Walking back out of the RV, you saw Velvet unlocking the main gate. Walking over, you helped open the doors enough for your group to get in. Slipping through, you began walking towards the building.

"Hey! Don't go too far! We still need Roz and Harmony!" Velvet called.

"I won't! I just wanna get some footage of the outside and see if I can open the main door!" you called back.

"Fine. We'll try and catch up!"

You took a deep breath, you turned on both your GoPro and the night vision cam, hitting record at relatively the same time. Tilting the cameras up, you pointed them at the faded and rotting sign of the studio.

"Welp, here we are. Playfellow Workshop. Hope y'all are ready for whatever weird shit we find in here," you mumbled.

You did a brief wander around the front area, getting some shots of the exterior and peeking in through some of the windows. As you made your way back to the entrance, you could hear Velvet starting the intro with Roz and Harmony. As you heaved the main door open, you looked over at them.

"Hey! I'm heading in! We can film the intro afterwards!" you called.

"Why can't the intro be done first?" Velvet called back.

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