The One Where She Doesn't Need Eyes To See (Part 3)

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{5 months later}

Lisa's POV

I couldn't help but chuckle every time I remember finding out that it was Irene who used to steal all my candies back in the daycare when I was about 2 years old. I only had a vague memory of it but I do remember making a girl cry because I always drew on her dress.

When she told me what was written on the Braille note that her mom instructed me to have it posted once I finished the painting, I just then realized that the first time I met Mrs. Ahreum Bae was at the daycare.

Mrs. Ahreum Bae was the reason why I became a painter.

When she saw my artwork at the daycare when my parents were called in there for making her daughter cry, she talked to my parents and asked them if she could mentor me. She mentioned something about me being gifted with a talent in arts.

Since then, Mrs. Ahreum Bae taught me how to paint to enhance my skills.

I also never saw her daughter again at the daycare due to some reason she never shared with me nor to my parents.

When I was around 7 years old, Irene's mother came and visited me in one of my art exhibits. I hadn't seen her after mentoring me for a couple of years back but when I saw her again, she looked much older than her age and she became alarmingly thinner.

I didn't recognize her right away.

That's when I found out she was battling cancer.

She came to see me and asked for a favor. She wanted me to do a collaboration art piece and she requested that the painting will be someone very special to her. An image of her daughter, but she also requested the style to be the same style I've been doing for the past years of my art career.

A textured painting that may help blind people to feel the art piece without seeing what the painting is all about.

When I heard her request, I was confused because the girl I used to make her cry was normal and didn't have a visual disability. However, I didn't overthink it since the reason why I chose a 3D or textured style for my works is because I wanted my blind baby brother to see my paintings one day by feeling them rather than seeing them.

I never knew that the daughter of my hero/ mentor became blind. The girl who I used to make her cry, stole my candies and the one who tattled me resulting in me meeting her mother, the renowned painter Ahreum Bae, has become blind.

I am on my way to the university cafeteria to buy a refreshment before I head to the football field to have my lunch. As soon as I entered the cafeteria, I saw people crowding in the center. I heard them muttering something I couldn't understand.

"I guess it's that boy again, torturing that poor blind girl." I heard one of the cafeteria servers saying.

I felt my teeth grit as my fists clenched.

I immediately walked towards the commotion and couldn't help but push the other students just to get through the bystanders. Once I managed to pass through the crowd, I saw Irene in the middle, kneeling as she wipes the captain of the basketball team's messed up shoes.

Nayeon was on the side bawling as she was being held by one of this guy's teammates. I noticed that Jennie is here too while intensely glaring at this asshole, and Jackson was holding her by the arm to stop her from attacking his team captain.

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