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No one Pov:
Tord says nothing, eyes wide with a shocked expression on his face "are you fucking serious?" Tom questions, but tord says nothing.

"Tord say something! What the fuck does that mean!" Tom shouts, desperate for an answer.

"I- I'll be back..." tord finally talks, hurriedly grabbing his coat and opening the door to leave the room. "Wait! Tord come back you can't leave me here!" Before Tom could reach the door, the door closes in his face, leaving him in the lonely darkness, the only source of light coming in through, the moonlight shining through the curtains.

"I...I- what? What does he mean?" Tom sits on the edge of the bed, concern and worry on his face 'he....loves me?' Tom thinks to himself "no no no that's impossible, we are enemies, he isn't supposed to love me"

".....then why did he say that?" Tom whispers out wanting his question to be answered desperately, but knowing well the only person who can answer it is...tord.

Tord Pov:
"Fuck fuck fuck...why did I say that" I run my hands through my hair, I didn't expect to blurt that out...

I'm such a fucking idiot....

"What the fuck are you looking at?" I glare at a soldier who was staring at me, "my apologies red leader, I just came to inform you tha-"


"Idiot" I smirk as I see the blood pooling on the floor, I pull out my phone "Patrick get someone to clean this mess up in the hall"

Heartless commieWhere stories live. Discover now