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                       Lola Martinez

King has been so distant lately these past few weeks, when his phone rings he goes into another room to talk, he comes home smelling like a female, he doesn't come home until about 4 in the morning, and he's been smoking marijuana heavy.

I sighed, i knew i wasn't supposed to be stressing but i just couldn't help it, where good one minute and then the next he's acting crazy.

I got another doctor's appointment in a few days and i doubt he's gonna show up .. honestly i was hurt. I've been thinking maybe it's the hormones that drove him away, i'm not gonna lie i can act crazy sometimes but he promised he would never leave me and his baby's side .. I believed him.

I missed him, his touch, his presence, his scent .. everything you could think of, but at the moment i was feeling super betrayed. Right now i was just taking a walk in the park .. i needed to get some fresh air and take some time out to think. I was hoping and praying King got his act together, i didn't want to but if it came down to it i would leave King .. it would hurt but i have to think about me and my unborn child.

                        King Martinez

I sighed while exhaling the blunt, this was some good shit.

" This some good shit bruh. " i laughed.

He nodded his head. " I know, got it from them mexican niggas. " he said.

I was on my 5th joint, Michael and I been smoking for about a hour back to back and we was fucked up. We had a job to do in about an hour .. This nigga named Jax, raped a young girl and then killed her .. so what we was gon do was teach this nigga a lesson, and plus we were getting 50 grand a piece.

" So how everything been at home? " he asked.

I sighed. " It's cool, ain't really been there .. either working or chilling with this new broad i just met. "

He looked at me. " So you supposed to be with Mama Lopez but you now chilling with some bitch you met in the grocery store, while getting food for Lola. Where yo loyalty lie at? " he asked seriously.

I shook my head. " We only friends .. plus she pregnant and be off the chain sometimes. " i said.

" Nigga it's yo fault, start pulling out. Until then y'all gon be having more babies then that. " he said.

" You right. " i said, sighing.

                           Lola Martinez

" Lola?! " I heard from behind me .. turning around i seen, OMG Craig!

" Hi Craig. " i said, running to hug him. Me and him were both teachers and worked at the same school for about 9 years .. until he transferred to Texas to take care of his sick mother.

" Hey babe, you look good. " he smiled, looking me up and down.

I smiled. " What are you doing out here, last time we talked you were in Texas. " i said.

He nodded. " Yupp, to take care of my mom but as of now she's doing great and taking care of her self. Me on the other hand transferred back here to become a teacher and also my boyfriend's job moved him here. " she said.

I laughed. " That's good because you, me, and rayan are definitely catching up. "

" That crazy boy Ray how he been? " he asked.

I laughed. " Still crazy as a motherfucker. "

" In your son? " he asked.

I faintly smiled. " He's doing fine, graduates this year. " i said.

He smiled. " That's great. Were definitely taking each other's numbers down we need to get up asap .. you know we all was close. " he laughed.

I joined in. " Tell me about it. "

                           King Martinez

" Aghhhh. " I moaned, releasing in her mouth.

" You taste so good. " she said, licking the corner of her lips.

I smiled. I was chilling at Yasmine house and she wanted to suck my dick .. at first i disagreed but i was horny and far from home so fuck it, what Lola don't know won't hurt her.

" I had fun ma, but i gotta go. " i said, getting up.

" Gotta get to wifey. " I said.

She smiled. " Tell wifey i said Hi. "

                           Lola Martinez

I smiled making my way into my house, seeing Craig brought back so many memories we all used to have .. we had some real good times.

I slipped off my shoes and made my way into my bedroom, slipping off everything but my boyshorts and bandoo. I made my way into the kitchen to cook me a small dinner .. which consisted of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and macaroni & cheese. I was used to eating alone by now and if i had to raise this baby on my own .. i would be okay with it, done it before i can damn sure do it again.

I rolled my eyes when i heard the front door being opened .. in walked in King.

" wassup ma? " he asked.

I looked in his face, his eyes were blood shot red and he reaked of alcohol and marijuana. I shook my head.

" Hey. " i said, dryly.

" You good? " he asked.

I smiled. " Perfect. and you? "

" I'm good. " he said.

" I would hope so, you walk around like you have no responsibility in this world .. but hey it's my fault for falling in love and having a baby by my fucking son, I should've expexted this from you your still a damn child yourself. From now on leave me the hell alone and continue to do you like you been doing for this past week .. I'm good on my own. " i said, getting up and walking out of the kitchen.

As of now ..... FUCK KING! And no that ain't no fucking hormones talking.

Rayan in the media .. didn't proofread. Tried making it long. Check out my new book ' My Italian BOSS ' It's interracial btw

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