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Thankfully the rain has ceased, and the night air turned black and cool. We've reached the hours just past midnight where even Gotham feels silent, empty. Like we're the only souls to exist. Like time is no longer linear.

"I don't think you should drive," I warn Jonathan.

He says, "Sienna, the last thing we need this evening is an insurance claim on the car."

My eyes narrow as he opens the passenger door for me. "What are you saying about my driving? You weren't even conscious for most of it."

"My eyes were only closed because I was terrified I'd go through the windscreen at any moment."

The nerve. "My terrifying driving got us out of that mess."

He kisses me on the forehead and pulls my seatbelt across my lap. "You did so well, Sienna. I'll show you just how well. But I need you to rest. There's no need to drive any more tonight."

As he closes the door, he mutters something that sounds suspiciously like, "Not until I've given you lessons."

I watch him anxiously as he gets behind the wheel and pulls onto the road. Unable to tear my eyes from him. After a few minutes, he sighs, glancing at me with an exasperation that melts to fondness. "What is it?"

"You're concussed. And you're not wearing glasses."

He rests his hand on my thigh, pushing up my dress. Rubs his thumb against my bare skin.

"Would you believe I've lived through worse?" He asks me quietly.

"Yes." I gulp and stare out the window, at the city lights passing in a blur as we get onto an empty stretch of road. "But I don't have to like it."

"I let you down. I should have had the situation under control."

"Don't be ridiculous."

"I won't allow it to happen again." His jaw clenches, and the next words leave him as an oath. "When I find out the person behind this, I'll enact a slower and more painful revenge than the world has ever seen."

My stomach clenches at the intensity of his threat. I ask, "What do you have in mind?"

"Many things. Some involving the tarantulas at the zoo."

"I thought they weren't deadly," I whisper.

He smiles, eyes cold. "Who said anything about death?"


"Don't worry, Sienna. I'll ensure you're well protected while I'm indisposed torturing."

"The police will already be looking for us. For me."

"No they won't." He pulls off the freeway and we begin heading down the long road at the edge of the forest towards his house. "I won't let them find you. I won't let anything happen to you. You have my word." He strokes my thigh once more, sending tingles across my skin. "I'm going to keep you so safe, sweetheart."

"Keep me safe?" I laugh softly. "And here I'm buckling in for a sleepless night so I can check your breathing and make sure you're still alive."

He's quiet a moment. His touch still constant. "I'm not used to this," he finally says.

"Used to what?"

He opens the gate. Stares ahead, his eyes aglow in the dim light of the dashboard. "Being cared for."

We pull into the garage. I ask him quietly, "Does it bother you?"

He says, "I always thought it would. This is different." Then he fixes his gaze on me. Turns off the car, and changes the subject. "I believe we unlocked your alter-ego this evening."

The Fear Dissertation // A Jonathan Crane Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now