Revenege - chapter 2

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It was around 10:30 at night when I started walking home , I knew a shortcut to my house from here and decided to take it , it was a quite night as it was October and cold. It was pitch black and a little bit eerie but I was okay. A couple cars drove past me but other then that there was no other people out. Until something strange happened, a bright red car drove past me and I saw the guy in the car stare as her drove past. Why was he staring? Do I know him? I asked a bunch of questions as my heart raced a little.

He got to the turning and I sighed in relief , I walked faster to get home and I turned the same way the red car did , it was okay though right? I kept walking hoping to get home as I had a bad feeling in my stomach. I saw headlights parked shortly down the road and I tried to think of someone else instead of the red car , however as I got closer I saw the red tint of the car, my heart stopped as I slowly tried crossing the street."Oi" a deep voice shouted as I walked away. "Oi" he said angrily "stop" he pulled up beside me and I froze in fear. "You" he spat "you took the most precious thing away from me" I stood confused and frozen in fear. " Sorry you have the wrong person" I responded , my bottom lip quivering in fear.

He pulled out a long sharp needle and before I could respond he jabbed my in my stomach , I felt tired and unable to stand I fell to the hard floor , unable to move or speak. My eyes were stuck shut and I finally fell asleep.

When I woke up I was on a cold hard floor , I thought it was all just a nightmare until I opened my eyes and saw the cold empty room , the walls were full with pictures and newspapers and a girl who looked scarily like me was scattered everywhere with other pictures of a car crash and a little girl aged around 8/9. Was the his daughter? We're they in a car crash? Why has he taken me? Who the woman? A million questions rushed through my head as my breathing started to increase , the cellar door flew open and I scurried back in fear , my back on the wall. His face came into the light and I could finally see him , he had dark brown eyes with stubble on his face , thick bushy eyebrows and messy brown hair , he was tall and built but he looked very slow and tired , he had bags under his eyes where he hasn't slept much or at all in god knows.

"Summer Bryant" he hissed "You took everything from me" my eyes teared up as he came closer to me, who's Summer and why does he think she's me.

"I'm not Summer , my names Daisy , I have no clue who you are or what's going on. Please let me go I'm begging you" I cried as he stared at me , his stare piercing right through my body , sending shivers down my spine.

"You murdered my daughter , the one thing I had in life and you took her because your a drunken mess. I've waited over two years for this moment , to exact my revenge" I could see he was teary but angry , I didn't want to say anything that would annoy him so I stayed quite " you don't even have the decency to apologise" he angrily lunged towards me hitting the side of my face , my mouth filled up with blood and the metallic taste made me gag, he spat at me before leaving and slamming the cellar door shut , I heard a bolt and a lock and then footsteps until it was silent again...

A little more action this time
Drop any ideas you have in the comments or dm me on insta - kieranpriv17

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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