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Becky's PoV
I noticed Freen's behaviour was very different. She never acts like that. What's happening to her? She even pushed Phi Nam and she said everyone to go away. Suddenly she fell off to ground and my soul left my body.

I immediately ran to her. My stomach still hurt but I'm more concerned on my wife. I said "Tee help me out."

She nodded and made her lay on the sofa. Phi Nam gave a glass of water and I tried to sprinkle on her face but she didn't wake up. Now I feel more worried. Now I know how she felt when I was hurt.

I said "Phi call the doctor."

She nodded. I just made her sleep on my lap while creasing her hairs. Her phone rang and I took it out from her pocket. It was Heng calling her.

I said "Hello.!"

He said "Hello. Miss. Sarocha."

I said "I'm Becky. Freen is not well. What's the matter Mr. Heng?"

He said "Miss. Rebecca, Nita said she had been blackmailed by the murderer to act that night. She said she is a model."

I said confused "But why would murderer do so."

Heng said "Of course to know the truth."

I said "Oh no I said... is Nop fine?"

He said "He is gone Rebecca.!"

I said "What? No I..." I started to panic it's all because of me. He said "It's ok Rebecca it's not your fault either."

I said "Did she say something else?"

Heng said "Yes Miss. Rebecca she gave a clue about the killer a vert important clue."

I said "What's the clue Mr. Heng?"

He said "A eagle tattoo on his back. That's what she said."

I said "Thank you Mr. Heng."

He said "Well it's my duty. How are now Miss. Rebecca."

I said "I'm fine thank you."

He said "Ok I'll call you later I have got some work. Rest well Miss."

I said "Ok call you later."

That was so much to take in. The murderer spoiled our make out session, he made me all jealous and he just stabbed me and ran away. Now Freen is not well. What else can be wrong in someone's life?

Heck. After a few minutes Sky came to home. I looked at Phi Nam. She had called him. Hmm well that's great. He became more concerned about his Phi. He came by her side and checked her.

He said "Well Phi is stressed out."

I nodded and said "Of course she is a officer."

He said rudely "It's not because of work. She's already doing it for years. It may be because of some other reason. I'll take phi with me if you guys are always stressing her out.!"

I said "What are you talking Sky?.. language?"

He said "I care about my Phi and she's everything to me. If you guys keep stressing her she will become week and that's not my Phi."

I said "She's my wife and you can't take her away."

He said "I don't care!"

I now understood how Freen felt when Phi Nam said she would take me away. I said "Sky I'll take care of her don't worry."

I kept my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me innocently and said "I trust you Phi in law. But I don't have anyone apart from Phi."

I nodded and said "Don't worry I'll not let anything happen to her."

He nodded and gave me script of medicine for Freen and said he would leave as he has a emergency. I took the script and opened the drawer beside me. By seeing what's inside it my eyes widened. There was a letter with blood mark.

It said..
Hey you would have listen to you mom. Now you're not safe. Be ready to die.
Your soon to be killer...

My hand turned into fist causing the paper to turn into a paper ball. How can probably someone come to our home and keep the letter here.

I agree we weren't home since two days but this letter. Freen never gave keys to anyone.

Phi Nam said bringing me out of my thoughts "Becky are you ok?"

I nodded and said "Maybe I need some rest."

She nodded. Tee said "Before that eat lunch Becky and I'll help you to your room. You guys better stay with us. You both are not well and we could help."

As much as I want to stay I'm now scared. I can't put their life in danger when I'm in danger already. Fuck my life...

I said "Tee I can't..."

Phi Nam took my hand which had the paper and said "Becky I know everything just come with us. Nothing would happen. You two can protect yourself. Stay positive."

I nodded and agreed I can't say no now.

...............TO BE CONTINUED............

I really don't know where the story will go and I'm really not sure about the ending. I'm just trying my best to make the story more interesting.

Don't worry no sad endings! Your author is a happy person and don't like sad endings 😊☺️.

Don't worry no sad endings! Your author is a happy person and don't like sad endings 😊☺️

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True words by someone..

2 more to go for 200...
Thank you all for your support and encouragement. Love you all. Thank you for supporting your single kind author...🫶🥹

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