The shipping queen is!
Dats me!~ :3I'm on summer break!~
Well, I've been on summer break for weeks.......o-o
BUT WOOOOOOOOOOBut OMG, I have a schedule and it's going to kill me! 😭😭😭
Here's mah schedule:
1:20pm-2:20pm Exsersize
2:20-pm-2:50pm Shower/Break
2:50pm-3:40pm Reading
3:40pm-3:50pm Break
3:50pm-5:20pm Math
5:20pm-5:30pm Break
5:30pm-6:00pm Reading
6:05pm-6:55pm Practicing Flute/Piccolo
And then from there I'm free!~
But I sleep at 11pm and wake up at 12pm. o-o
But on the week days my mom has work so I'm free after 4:30pm!
But she comes home at 6:30 so I just go on my computer so I have to have my flute at mah side. :3
But mah GAWD this schedule will be the end of me.
Also I was helping my mom clean my school stuff, and it turns out I had like two or three sketch books. 😂
I mean I knew I had them when I was little but when I grew older I thought my mom threw them away. 😂
I mean they have some drawings in them but I can still put them to use for art. :3BUT ANYWAAYYYSSSS
My birthday is on June 28!
Which is dis month.
But why did I have to be born on the summer, ITS SO HOTTTTTT
But at least I finally get to become a teen now. 😂
AWWW but then I'm going to be in eighth grade once July ends. ;-;I hope I don't get a schedule once I finish eighth grade
My sister didn't have one after eighth grade and she's the golden child of the family. o-oI dun want to go to high school
I want to stay as a kidddd foreeevvvveeeerrrrrrr
I also don't want to drive because I'm really scared that one day I'll die from a car crash. 😂Also woooo, I'm making a story and so far it the first chapter has 1000 words but I'm only around 40% done with the first chapter.........
Also mah GAWD, GerIta love almost has 2k reads, why are people still reading it? ;-;
I'm not really proud of that fanfic, it was poorly done, well beside the new "chapter" on it which was somewhat poorly done.Man, I'm exhausteddddddddddddddddd, I just finished the Exsersize.....;-;
There are like three things I want for my birthday. o-o
One was a fome middle finger so I can flip people off without using my actual middle finger.
But it's like $10 on Ebay. ;-;
That's a little bit more than I was expecting.
I was expecting the price of it to be $4-$8 ;-;
The second one was a USB tablet.And the third was Wizard101 gift cards. 😂😂
I love you. Kingsisle! One of my top three favorite gaming companies. 😂😂
* whispers* Send me something...........
*stops whispering*Where was I? o-o
Eh idk
But seventh grade was crazyyyyyyyyyyy
It'll be fun going for first chair in band for the flute section.
I'm confident that I'll make it! ^^
I just have to hope that some kid from another school doesn't come and beats me. ;-;Eh, well I'm going to take a shower nowwwwwwwwww
June 19, 2015
Yeah..........and I thought I was going to update this on the 12th but I was wrong.
Well anyways, I HAS GOOD NEWS! :3
I'm going to California!
Only for two days and one night doe just to help my sister move apartments. ;-; 😭😭😭
So there won't be much fun involved
Just sore arms.
Idk if I want sore arms doe because my legs just finished being sore from when I was dancing to k-pop with my friend a few days back. 😂😂
Dat dancing was intense for 2-4 hours. 😂😂
I'm done exercising for the week.
But eh, good thing I won't be on a schedule when I'm in California.I plan to bring my IPAD Mini, my charger, my korean learning book, chopsticks(In this case I like to call in Chapstick because whenever I hear chopsticks I think of the eating utensils), my Big Totoro Pillow, my stuff animal bunny, outfits of course😜, Candy(You can never go wrong with sweets), my soul, my body(Because to use a body you need a soul), and my IGAB Yoona's hat(I wish I had Sunny's but my parents said those were too girly colors, pshhhh, sexist, pink and blue and white are like Cotton Candy, everyone loves Cotton candy, if you don't then you're either allergic to it or you hate it, if you hate it you're not alive. o-o)
But yeah, I have nothing else to do today but Eat, Drink, and play Lol 😂😂
So byeeeeeeeee~
I hope I have time in Cali to write in here but that's all I can do. 😂😂
So I won't be responding to anything....;-;BYEEEEEE! ~
Saranghae! 😘😘
The everyday life of MiraItalyUsa-Chan
AventuraThe everyday life of MiraItalyUsa-Chan,..................... No seriously, this will be my everyday life so I will update everyday if I can. ^^ If I don't then I'll be on vacation but I'll still type it, it'll just take a while until I update it. HO...