One hundred and twenty eight

368 20 13

My frown grows as she somewhat avoids Henry's question before looking back down to her newspaper.

"Well where-"

"I've got to run to the store..." She cuts me off and climbs from her seat, pulling on her coat.

"But Sandy-"

"Want anything, no? Ok." The woman rushes through the back door, not at all waiting for an answer.

I look at Henry who is now sat beside me, a smirk on his face as his finger twirls beside his head.

I laugh at him slightly before standing to grab two bowls from the cupboard.

"Can we still do something fun today?" Henry asks while I pour cereal into each bowl, followed by milk.

"Sure." I smile, sitting down again, facing him.

"Even though I didn't sleep well?" his face lights up.

"I guess so, what do you want to do?" I ask, meeting his eyes as I push the breakfast bowl in front of him.

"I want to-" The boy continues to speak, but instead the whole of my attention shifts to JJ who has just entered the room in her pyjamas.

My eyes rake up her bare legs, taking in the sight of her body as she makes her way over to the coffee pot.

"Uncle Spence?"

My head snaps back in Henry's direction as I realise I was ignoring him.

"Yeah, sorry."

Regaining my attention he begins to speak again. "Really?" He asks with a wide smile. "We can really go and buy something for Charlie?"

JJ's turns to face us quickly, a frown pushing on her brows. "How do you know about Charlie?"

"Nana told us." he beams, brushing a loose lock of hair from his face.

"Did she now?" JJ takes a seat on the end of the table, a smile now playing on her lips. "I'm sure we could go and buy him some stuff."

Henry's eyes shift to me as I take a mouthful of my cereal. "I'll get you some clothes." I state, paying no more attention to the blonde woman.

I leave my half eaten breakfast on the counter by the sink and head upstairs.

When I reach the bedroom I pull out a pair of jeans and a tshirt for Henry, along with his beige cardigan.


"You're not coming?" JJ asks as Henry rushes through the door, into the garden.


"Ok, we'll be back soon. Love yo-" I scan her face as it saddens, a dark redness seeping through her cheeks.

I make my way back upstairs again, ignoring the whole situation and pretending those words never left her mouth.

Instead, when I reach the top, I peep through Sandy's bedroom window and watch the two blondes leave for the car.

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