Sorry | Jisung X Stray Kids (10)

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Chan, Minho, Changbin and Jeongin screamed when they saw Hyunjin slumped in front of Jisung. The sword used to kill Hyunjin was still held by Jisung, causing them to mourn from a distance. After all, the dark clouds over their heads felt very frightening.

"Brian-hyung, that's not Hyunjin. Am I right?" Seungmin asked Brian who was by his side.

It's odd that Brian, Sungjin, Wonpil, and even SF9 don't try to prevent Jisung's actions. Furthermore, he observed that Jisung's bracelet was missing from Hyunjin's wrist.

"You're right. That's not Hyunjin. That's just the illusion."

Brian's words caused Hyunjin's boyfriends to look at him before directing their attention to Jisung. They saw Jisung staring at Hyunjin's 'corpse' in front of him. Jisung's eyes have also become blood-red.

Chani from SF9 attempted to move the cloud that seemed to be getting heavier.  He sought help from Zuho because his power was not strong enough in comparison with his other members.

"Don't worry, the cloud is safe,"Jisung said before lifting his head. Chani was not surprised when Jisung knew his intention. Jisung's ability to read other people's thoughts is one of his new powers that they are aware of.

"The rain will wipe out all the black magic brought by Felix's dad."

As soon as Jisung finished his sentence, it started to rain heavily.  At that point, they saw Hyunjin begin to fade out of sight. The same goes for Felix's dad. It's surprising that no one got wet from the rain.

"If it's not Hyunjin, then where is he now?" asked Changbin who was still inquiring about his boyfriend.

"He's at our mansion,"Jisung told before he started coughing. The sword in his hand was cast when he started to curl up in pain. Blood began to flow from Jisung's mouth and nose.

"Jisung!"Brian removed the sword from his sight before approaching his brother. When he looked at Jisung, he knew something was wrong.

"Teleported all of us to Han's mansion!"Brian said to Yeongbin.

"Bring Felix as well."Jisung managed to order his brother before he fainted.



Nobody had the guts to open their mouths once they were in Han's mansion. Brian asked his butler, Mr.Jung, to bring Felix's body to the basement. Despite Chan's reluctance to release Felix, he was required to adhere to Brian's instructions.

"My maids will show you all the rooms. Dinner will be delivered in the room so I don't want anyone to leave their room until early tomorrow morning,"command Brian to Jisung's ex. He doesn't have to worry about Sungjin, Wonpil, and SF9 because they are familiar with this mansion.

"How about Hyunjin?"asked Seungmin. His eyes caught one of the SF9 members taking Jisung into a room on the top floor. Seungmin began to feel uneasy. He started getting worried about Jisung.

"Jisung's bodyguards are present with him. Tomorrow, there's a chance for everyone to meet him. Right now, I am requesting that you all take a break. My maids have made new clothes for you, too."

"Thank you, hyung."Changbin first thanked the older before the others followed.

Instead of answering, Brian signaled for them to enter the room that was provided.

"Hyung.."Yeonjun appeared as soon as Jisung's ex disappeared from sight.


"Hyunjin has woken up. He would like to see Jisung."

Han Jisung X Stray Kids | oneshots | Book 1 (✓)Where stories live. Discover now