Sorry | Jisung X Stray Kids (1)

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"Go away!"

"No! Hyung, please listen to me.."Jisung begged by clenching Chan's legs.

"I don't want to listen to your fucking reason Jisung! You almost killed Hyunjin, our boyfriend!"yelled Chan and pushed the small boy. Jisung fell onto the floor once more. This time, his elbow was rubbing the ground, making him feel pain.

"Just go, Jisung."

Jisung looked towards Seungmin.

"Not you, too, Seungmin.."replied Jisung with a trembling tone.

Seungmin looked the other way. Jisung tried to get up, but he saw Minho emerge from Hyunjin's room. Everyone there was scared by Minho's serious face, especially Jisung.

"Hyungie.."Jisung tried to speak.

But without saying a word, Minho kicked Jisung's stomach until blood spurted out of the younger's mouth. Jisung is wailing with pain. Curled up on the floor, he clenched his stomach.

"Felix told me that you used your black magic on Hyunjin!"shouted Minho before stepping on Jisung's back. Jisung roared even louder.

"He.. what?!"Jeongin turned to Minho.

Seungmin, Changbin and Chan could feel their blood boiled. Did Jisung forget that Hyunjin has a strong sensitivity to black magic? Did he also forget that anyone who uses black magic can be expelled from this school?

"Black magic! This bitch used his black magic to our Hyunjin!"screamed Minho. He attempted to kick Jisung, but something prevented him from doing so.

"Stop it, Lee.." A hoarse voice echoed in the room.

"He's hurting Hyunjin, sir!" Tell Changbin when he heard the voice of their principal, Mr.Song. Changbin was glaring at Jisung who was still lying on the floor. Jisung's condition is extremely bad. This is because before Minho, Chan first beat up the younger.

"I know. That's why I will use my power to strip away all his power. Black magic is not something we can tolerate."

Jisung shook his head when he heard those words. Has his power been stripped away?

"No, sir! You can't do that! Please.."Jisung begged.

"Yes, he can!"Changbin interjected and pulled Jisung's hair.He tightened his grip on the younger's head before pushing him against the wall. Jisung fainted due to the strong impact.

Chan, Minho, and Jeongin looked at Jisung without feeling sympathy. They believed that the man deserved it.

"You go too far, hyung."Seungmin said but he still didn't go to Jisung.

"He deserved it, Minie.."

"Just stop, okay? I'll take him,"said Mr. Song before he used his power to teleported Jisung to his office.


Hyunjin was still unconscious even though a week had passed. They're breaking up with Jisung, too. Jisung, who is still under the control of the principal, had to accept his ex-boyfriend's decision with a broken heart. Felix was present when the incident took place, but he didn't reveal the truth, which caused him to feel upset.

"Jisung, today we will perform a ritual to remove your power,"informed Mr. Song while turning to his staff, the highest position in the school.

Five of them will help Mr.Song perform the ritual. Jisung sitting in the chair looked at Mr. Song's face prior to speaking.

"This is something you'll regret, sir."

"No, I am not. I'm certain that you'll feel regret for causing harm to Hyunjin, your boyfriend. And you're one of my favorite students, Jisung. But now.."

"After all, you're the only one who has black magic. We agreed to take you as our students because your power is more than four and it's rare for someone to have more than one power,"added Mr. Choi.

Mr. Song was able to sense the tone of disappointment in Mr.Choi's voice. Who is not disappointed when his favourite student does something above and beyond his expectations?

"We shall begin,"interrupted Mr.Ho.

Jisung bit his lips. He was aware that he had the ability to use his power at this point, but his condition was too weak. Pushing his limits could lead to his death.

"Before that, can I make a call?'

They looked together before nodding their heads. Jisung took out his phone and searched for someone's name. He takes a deep breath before making a call.

"Hello, hyung."

"Hey, Sungie! How are you?"

"Hyung, if something happens to me please don't kill them,"said Jisung without answering his hyung's question.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"


"Hell no!"

"I still love them, hyung,"admitted Jisung with sobs.

His boyfriends hold a special place in his heart.

He has a vivid memory of Chan flirting with him while he was waiting for his hyung in front of the school. Jisung who is not interested in a relation eventually falls in love with Chan's charm. Bang Chan is a hard one to resist, after all.

He never forgot when Chan and he attempted to make Minho and Seungmin fall in love with them. Everyone knows how savage they are. But both of them easily became their boyfriends.

Jisung is still remembering how Hyunjin confessed to him on Valentine's Day, in front of his boyfriends. Chan, Minho, and Seungmin almost killed the taller due to his bold attitude. But Jisung wants to give Hyunjin a chance. At first, Hyunjin was only interested in being Jisung's boyfriend, but when he was always with his boyfriend's boyfriend, he made him fall in love with the rest of them.

Changbin is Chan's gym buddy, but he has managed to attract Seungmin's attention and they agreed to make him their boyfriend. Changbin went along easy because Seungmin is his crush. He is also interested in relationships that involve multiple people.

Felix and Jeongin were already dating before Hyunjin told them that he likes Felix. It's surprising that Chan and Changbin acknowledge their interest in Jeongin. So, Minho and Jisung try to talk with them. Astonishingly, both accepted and kissed the other two. Jisung still remembers Hyunjin playfully pouting at him when he found out he got kissed from Felix.

But the whole thing became a memory. In a split second, everything was destroyed.

"I swear to god if you didn't tell me what's going on I.."

"Promise me?"

"Just tell me what happened Han Jisung?!"

Jisung is capable of imagining his hyung's anger. His hyung loves him very much. All his boyfriends have to meet with his hyung for 'interrogation session'.

It's just that his hyung wants him to be happy.

"Okay, but you need to make a promise first."

"Fine, I promise!"

"Thank you, hyung. I love you."

Jisung ended the conversation. With his hoodie sleeve, he wiped his tears. He never thought he was going through what he was most afraid of. Since he was a kid, he's had different types of power, including black magic. His parents always tell him to control his power, particularly his black magic power.

To be honest, Jisung never used his black magic even once. Hyunjin's situation was not caused by him. But his boyfriends aren't buying it. Felix failed to tell the truth as well.

"Okay, now.."said Mr. Song.

Jisung closed his eyes and at that moment he sensed that his power was 'elevated' one by one and thus all his power had vanished.

Not just his power, but also his voice and memory.

Yes, Jisung's voice and memory have gone with his power.




Han Jisung X Stray Kids | oneshots | Book 1 (✓)Where stories live. Discover now