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Percy finally have his break. He's happy with his girlfriend and friends and his family. War has ended a year ago. No more runaway and turning side demi-gods, no more awakening evil titans. Finally quiet, and dare he says, normal.

Oh how he jinx himself.


Mount Olympus stood mighty and new. The Olympians were busy, they held a meeting regarding their children and the Camp itself. Hades and Hestia was invited back, their throne finally in Mount Olympus. The Olympians spoke of no longer monsters after someone else's kids. Rather, they want to start a new era for this generation's half-bloods.

That was supposed to be the plan.

Until said children, atleast some of them, dropped down in the ground of Mount Olympus. Together with those half-bloods is Chiron.

The Olympians looked at their children in bewilder and wonder.

"W-What just happened?" Annabeth Chase asked, after standing up and dusting her clothes clean from dust, she curiously turn to the mighty gods and goddesses.

"You asked for our presence, my lords and ladies?" Chiron step out and stand between the gods and the demi-gods.

"We did no such thing, Chiron." Hera frowned, glancing placidly at the half-bloods.

Percy shared a look with Chiron. "Then how'd we get here?"

"That's something we want to ask you as well, Perceus Jackson." It was Hestia who softly answered.

"Well, I was about to have my lunch, you know, until there was a bright light and then poof! We're here."

"Same as us," A British accent rang within the group of half-bloods and gods alike.

Their senses kicked in, the half-bloods readied their weapons, their stance in a crouch ready to pound. Same could be said about the Olympians as their sacred weapons appeared out of thin air, ready to strike down the unknown people.

Stood behind the half-bloods were a strange looking trio.

Two redhead and a brunette.

The redhead woman was staring at them with guarded eyes, eyes that were alike with the Sea God's very own eyes. And that set a confusion and alarm within the Olympians.

Those eyes weren't normal.

Those eyes are one of the gods.

The woman looked between placid and anxious, her right hand set inside the pocket of her jeans as if she was trying to access a weapon inside if things get nasty. Her aura was upsetting.

It was mix between ichor and magic.

But that doesn't sound right. It couldn't possibly be.

Poseidon step out, and stare at the woman. His eyes held an unfamiliar emotion, brows furrowed in deep thought, confusion in his expression. There was an alarm ringing in his ears, whispers and shout telling him about the woman. Telling him to wait and listen.

"Who are you?" Zeus carefully asked the trio, eyes were set on the unwavering redhead woman.

"We could ask you the same thing." It was the man who countered.

The fiery redhead man were openly glaring at the Olympians and half-bloods, and Zeus contempted to zap the man out of Mount Olympus.

"Well, we asked first." Percy piped, he readied riptide on his hand. Gripping it slightly more as he eyes the redhead woman, who seems to be the leader of the trio.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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