Chapter 4 - Do You Really Know Me?

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Lucifer's pov

"Pinky Promise?"

"I pinky promise." Uncle James smiled as he spoke and Uncle Mike gently ruffled my hair, making me laugh.

Uncle Mike led the way over to the boys, but I was firmly holding onto his shirt and hiding behind him. When we were in front of them I peaked out from behind Uncle Mike, seeing all my mates smiling at me.

The one with fluffy hair introduced himself first, "hey Lucifer. I'm Callum."

The blonde one spoke next, "I'm Alexander. Just call me Alex."

The one with short brown hair, who was starting to get a black eye from my punch said, "I'm Grayson, but you can call me Gray."

I looked to the boy with brown straight hair as he told me, "I'm Quinn. Pleased to meet you."

The last one with dirty blonde hair told me, "I'm Kaimon. Call me Kai."

Uncle Janson lightly nudged me so I knew to introduce myself. I quietly said, "Lucifer... or Lucy."

Uncle Mike patted my head in approval, since I had spent half my life in asylums I didn't quite understand social cues and proper manners yet. Uncle Mike told us, "Lucifer go do your chores in the barn, and try to actually talk to the nice boys please. We'll have dinner at 6, you boys are welcome to join." I nodded and he added on, "absolutely no more violence young man."

I rolled my eyes but agreed and walked over to Butterscotch, she got down for me so I could climb onto her back. She stood back up and I led the boys out of the cattle pen, making sure the gate was securely closed before we left.

As we walked to the barn in an attempt to be social I told them about each of the types of wheat we grew. They listened to me and made comments every now and then to show their interest. I couldn't show them the types of wheat since snow covered the ground and it wasn't time to start planting.

We got to the barn and I let all the horses out into their field, shutting the stalls behind them so that they wouldn't get in the way. I grabbed a pitchfork from the wall and started taking out all of the bedding in the stalls, it had gotten too wet so it was no good.

I heard Callum ask me, "so where have you been? I know your... uh... Mike and James have lived here for a while. But we've never seen you before."

I sighed, I didn't want to talk about it but if I did they'd probably leave me alone, so I decided to tell them the complete truth. I kept my eyes on my work as I told them my story, "well, parents sucked. They were assholes, hit me an my lil sis. Dad took it too far one day an kill my sister, I could only watch. Got mad, and did the natural thing. Murdered my dad, then my ma. Cops came an I got blamed for my sis' death too, declared me insane so I went to an asylum. After about a year in first asylum got transferred to Rose Asylum, an I met Olive. He was my best friend, but one of the caretakers, Jackie, was always mean to him. I was on good behaviour, so I was allowed more privileges than usuals. I found out she was hittin Olive, so did what had to be done. Added another murder to my list, wasn't my fault she was a little bitch. Then I switched asylums again, and I met a really nice caretaker, Lola, she's great. One of my favourite people. Took my uncles a few years to get me out, and now I live here. I've spent over half my life in asylums, so sorry if I don't understand your social cues, or say something rude. Oh, or speak properly. Apparently I word things weird."

They all stared in shock at me while I continued to clean out the bedding from the horse stalls, putting it into the compost. I grabbed all the matts from the stalls and brought them outside the barn so I could clean them with the hose. I took the hose from the side of the barn and started to clean off all the matts, feeling the boy's gazes following me. Once they were all clean I took the hose into the barn and cleaned out the concrete, which wasn't that dirty thanks to the matts. I turned on the heaters, that way the water would dry faster. It was a bit cold anyways, winter was nearly over but the snow still hadn't left yet.

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