Three Women, One Nick...Again

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With everything else going on, a lot of important aspects of my life were slipping away, like the fact that my sister and I were planning a wedding anniversary party for my parents, and my opinionated sister let me know when I stopped by my parents one day.

"You know I've done everything for the party by myself. Besides helping with the wine and ordering some flower arrangements, you've done nothing!" She berated me as we sat on the kitchen counter while my mom went to fetch Rose, our cook, to make me a grilled cheese sandwich, something I used to like as a kid, and had turned into a once-in-a-while guilty indulgence now.

"I told you to call Melissa if you needed anything!" I explained. "Also you never told me you needed help!" I took a sip of the coffee Rose had already prepared for me, and I already felt at home, memories of my cold empty apartment getting replaced by every sip.

"We are throwing this party together. Why are you shirking your responsibility?" She accused me.

"I've been a bit busy as of late." I simply said. My family knew Nick was up, but that was the extent of information I was willing to provide them.

"With what? What that stupid boy you're not in a relationship with?" She said in her usual judgemental tone.

"Why don't you just tell me what you need and I'll get it done for you!"

"I shouldn't have to tell you. You should just know! Like I said, we are throwing this party together!" she yelled.

I sighed. "Fine, I'll book the venue and create the guest list."

"That's already done! The party is in a month!" she continued yelling.

"Fine, let me get the invitations created and distributed!" I offered.

"That's also already done. Are you not listening to me? The party is in a month."

I sighed once more, "Fine, let me just write you the check for my part, seems like you took care of everything."

"Get the decorations, book the DJ and photographer. That's all on you now, and we are dancing." She listed.

"I am not dancing. I have no time for that!" I scoffed.

"Yes you are, now shh, I hear Mom and Dad." she hushed me.

She was right, a few seconds later my parents walked in together deep in conversation about something at one of our motels. My dad looked annoyed and stressed, still wearing his usual sleek black suit and his thinning hair was fluffed up to look fuller. He definitely had a work meeting before this. My mother on the other hand had on a longer dress, her makeup done with bright colors, just like usual, and her long hair was curled and neatly collected into a ponytail. She looked about 20 years younger than my father, even though they were both the same age.

"You two are here huh?" My dad commented, grabbing my sister's coffee cup and taking a sip.

"Yes, just came to see you two. It's been a while." My sister said, and I nodded.

"Good, how is everything with my girls?" My mother chirped.

"Good Mom," I said.

"How is Nick doing?" Mom asked.

"He is better."

"I talked to Bonnie and she seemed a bit odd yesterday so just wanted to make sure everything was ok."

"Yes, everything is...They are just adjusting."

"Understandable. Well, give her my love, and Nick too of course. I would love to have them over once everything is settled and they are ready to visit." my mother offered.

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