The End

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Nick and I both walked in, hand in hand to the restaurant, a week after coming back. The last week had been amazing. Getting to know the new Nick was a treat, instead of my usual reaction, which was to push him away, now I was welcoming the long phone calls, the comfortable hugs, the random kisses. It was what I always imagined the honeymoon stage to feel like.

That was coming to an end as I saw Melissa stare, not at me or Nick but at our interlinked arms. Her eyes widened.

"Not it all makes sense!" She loudly said, jumping from her seat, and my heart started to race. She looked hurt.

Nick and I got closer, and he calmly said, "Don't make a scene. We are here to explain, and get a few answers ourselves."

She, somehow, complied and sat down.

"How could you May? How could you?" She shot daggers at me but Nick got in between us.

"It's not her. It's me. I love her and I don't plan on letting her go." He simply said.

"And I love him," I said, not holding back. The voice of Deepti and her crew's logic winning in my head. They were right. Nick was right. So what if I was the bad guy to the rest of the world? I wanted what was best for Nick. And for me, for a change.

"You are a snake!" She shouted again.

"And we think you are a snake," Nick said, taking out a piece of paper from his pocket. "Why did you have this?" He opened it and I saw the contents of my confession. He handed her the note, and her eyes widened for a quick second before she realized she reacted. She quickly put on an uninterested face, and I knew she had something to do with it.

"What is this?" She questioned.

"You know what it is. It's me telling Nick I like him." I said.


"So, why does Nick have it? The letter disappeared before I could give it to him." I stated.

"How should I know?" Melissa scoffed. "I am sure you tried to confess to him a billion times. Tried to steal him from me. You were so in love with him, and he never noticed or cared. He probably took the letter himself so he didn't have to deal with you. Plus he always did need someone to finish his school work and cheat off of."

And there it was!

"So you know I wore this letter to him when we were in college. How Melissa?"

Again her eyes gave her away. The advantage of knowing someone for a long time, I knew all her tells.

"Because—because I remember Nick and I laughing about the letter. That's right. He laughed May." Lies and lies.

"Nick? Should I be made at you instead?" I turned to face him.

Nick sighed. "I can't remember that part, I can't tell you for sure if I did that May, but all I can say is, when I look at this letter, I feel angry. Like it ruined something big for me—something I was excited for, but wasn't anymore." He let out another long sigh.

"I—Nick—you just confused. You don't love her. She is just always around, and she took advantage of your confusion to make you think you love her." Melissa said, grabbing Nick's face. "Look at me! You love me. You think I am beautiful!"

He did. He stared at her for a while, then said, "It was our engagement. That's what I didn't want to do anymore. That's what I was excited for but wasnt anymore. That's it—because—because I found the letter. I was looking for something at your place—" he paused, looking pensive for a bit then continued. "No, that's not it. It was that you were moving the last of your stuff into my apartment. So I was packing all your stuff and this fell out of one of your books from your bookshelf."

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