Wasting Time

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My new rotation schedule had no sign of Nick in it, however, Charlie was on it several times. So my days still centered around a grown man refusing to eat.

Melissa was unhappy with my schedule change and upset I was not keeping to my promise of helping her with Nick, making sure I knew it the Tuesday I got into work.

"He is never going to eat now, and he barely talks to me! Come on May, you said you'd help!" She yelled as I checked into work at the front desk.

"Ma'am, you can't yell here like this. This is a care center," Kim berated Melissa from the desk and winked at me in encouragement.

"I am just saying, for some reason, Nick is doing everything in his power to get your attention, and I just don't get it!" Crap, I had forgotten to mention to Melissa that Nick had woken up thinking he was married to me. Was this something she needed to know? I decided, at this moment, when she was already insecure about her relationship, no. This was nothing important. Nick also found it ridiculous once I explained the truth. So no harm, no foul?

"He isn't. I was just around in the beginning so he's latched onto me. You want him to not see me so he can build some trust with you! That's why I wanted to move out of the way. To give you two some room." I explained while I looked over my list of patients for the day that Kim had just handed me.

"I guess that makes sense, but now he stopped talking to me completely." She sighed. Much like Bonnie from the other day, she looked disheveled and tired. So far away from her usual peppy self. I felt bad, but Lucky had a good point, and I did promise to help Nick get his memory back, this just seemed to be the best way.

"Tell you what, if in a week,  Nick is still behaving like an ass—and I am not making any promises—but I will try and talk to him." I begrudgingly agreed.

"A week is so late. What if he doesn't eat till then?" She cried.

I sighed, "he is at a care facility, Trust me, they will make sure he eats!"

"Please, just talk to him today!" She pleaded.

"I want you to try and feed him. Don't tell him I said it, say I looked a little uncomfortable when I heard he was eating with you! If I know Nick, he is gonna keep doing whatever makes me angry, because if Nick knows me—" I lowered my voice to whisper because if I didn't, I would end up choking on my words—"he knows I hate being angry, especially at him."

"Yeah yeah I know you and Nick have a very special bond," she again rolled her eyes.

"We've just known each other for too long." I defended my stance. "But none of that matters now. He doesn't remember anyway. Now is the perfect time to get Nick to see you as his person. So do as I say, trust me."

"Yeah, I guess you were the one who got us back together after the whole Derek ordeal." Derek, a guy who stalked Melissa when Nick and she just started dating. Nick misunderstood the situation and almost dumped Melissa, It wasn't till I told Nick that Derek was a crazy stalker—though Nick didn't believe me at first, claimed he knew Melissa was flirting back because she liked the attention—and showed him some of the text he was not only sending her but me, that he finally beloved me.

"Yeah well, I did have the crazy text Derek was texting me about how he knew both our locations and he would track us both down till he got a chance to talk to you. They helped me prove your point! It was nothing special I did," I shrugged. "But with this I am right!" I quickly added.

"Okay yeah, I will try!"  She determinedly said, her fist tight and her face hopeful.

God I hope this works, I thought.

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