Chapter II: Breaking The Circle

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This time it's gonna be me
The last thing that you ever see
An Armageddon of my devicing,
There's no way you can escape what I do
So leave you half-hearted souls
For me to bully and rule
A sly magician of compromising
To conjure all that is false until it's true

**Lyrics from Wonderland "I Will Prevail"

That afternoon, Riley headed toward the stairway with Chance at her side, mulling over the remainder of the planned activities Madeleine had stacked up for her. Within a few hours, everyone would be arriving at the palace to begin the rehearsal events, and everything from there would be non-stop, from the rehearsal itself all the way to the wedding. Just one more day and she would be standing next to the man she loved with everything inside of her as they officially exchanged vows and became united as one in front of all of Cordonia.

She was so lost in her thoughts she almost didn't see Barthelemy standing at the bottom of the staircase, blocking her path. "Oh! Mr. Beaumont, excuse me."

"Duchess Riley." He nodded solemnly in greeting.

Something in his tone was very off, and she didn't like how it sounded. Neither did Chance, who was letting out a low growl at her feet. "I'm... sorry, I don't have much time to chat at the moment. I have a lot to prepare for today. If you'll excuse me..." She started to move past him, and she tensed up as she realized he was not moving out of her way. Her heart started pounding as two other unknown gentlemen stood at his side. "What is going on here?"

"There's been a change of plans, my dear lady... and you have no place here."

His statement and the coldness in his voice was bone-chilling. It was bad timing that Mara and the rest of the King's Guard were in a meeting, finalizing extra security measures for the wedding. They had no reason to believe there was currently any threat within the palace walls. And with her friends scattered everywhere, preparing for their part in the wedding rehearsal, she was left alone at the moment. She steeled herself, forcing her voice to remain composed as she answered. "I don't know who you think you are, but you're the one who's out of place here. You have no right to speak to me like that."

"I'm out of place? Unlike you, I was born into my role, as any true noble would be. I didn't luck into my title by making friends in high places..."

As if last night's rounds of insults weren't annoying enough... She glared at him. "That is your King you're questioning..."

"Yes, well, Aidan is young still. And if I'm not mistaken, he was very smitten with you during the social season, correct? I'm certain such a lovestruck puppy would do almost anything to keep you around, even hand off an undeserved title and an equally undeserved duchy."

"If you have a problem with Aidan's decision, perhaps you need to take it up with him." She attempted to move past them again, only to be unsuccessful. "Look, I'm on a schedule here. I really don't have time to deal with this."

"You're right. Let's cut to the chase. I spoke with my son last night, and it's been decided that the wedding will not move forward."

"Excuse me?"

"My son has realized his error in entering into this marriage arrangement with you so quickly. I have come here to inform you that he wishes to terminate this hasty proposal effective immediately."

She felt sick to her stomach at his words and again tried to dodge away from them. "I think I'll let him tell me that himself."

"As you wish." Barthelemy pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "Maxwell? Yes, Riley wishes to speak with you personally about last night..."

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