Chapter V: Missing Pieces

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Maybe I'm just a girl on a mission,
But I'm ready to fly
I'm alone, on my own
And that's all I know
I'll be strong, I'll be wrong
Oh, but life goes on
Oh I'm just a girl
Trying to find a place in this world
(Lyrics from Taylor Swift "A Place In This World")

Annabelle's 17th Birthday

The outdoor dining area of Carl's restaurant remained lit up with tiny decorative lights as the latest round of wedding guests made their way to the exits for the night. The light scent of roses mixed with citrus and cedarwood permeated throughout the area. The massive amount of floral décor ordered for the event made the entire place look like an enchanted forest.

Annabelle looked around the near-empty venue as she sat back against a group of floral hedges to rest. She quietly pulled out her cell phone, staring at the unopened email message that she hadn't been able to bring herself to open all day. Application Status Updated.

"Hey Bella!" She quickly shoved her phone out of sight as Daniel breezed past her, his arms filled with band equipment. "Doing okay?"

"Yeah, just a little tired..." She eyed the large amount of gear he was carrying. "Do you need any help?"

"No, we got this. The guys and I are almost finished packing it in. And when that's done, Riles said I can bring you home with us while she and Carl finish up here." He jerked forward as some wires started to slip from his arms. "I'll be back in a bit!"

As he ran off towards the garden exit, Lucas walked over from the dessert table, carrying a couple of chocolate cupcakes in his hands. "Here you go, Bella... I know it's not a real birthday cake, but at least we got something. Let me just get your pretend candle here..." He placed a peppermint stick in the middle of hers. "There! And now, for my final performance of the evening..." He grabbed a nearby abandoned fork from one of the tables, using it as a microphone as he dramatically sang next to her. "Happppy birthday tooooo youuuuuuu..."

"Thanks, Lucas," she giggled, pretending to blow the candle out as he finished singing.

"Don't forget to make your wish!"

"Already did." She bit into her cupcake and grinned up at her younger cousin, who now easily towered over her thanks to a lucky growth spurt. "You excited for the summer?"

"I am so psyched!" He plopped down on the bench next to her, digging into his cupcake. "Sure wish you were coming with me though. I'm gonna miss you!"

"I'll miss you too. But what would I do at a Broadway camp though?"

"Easy. You'd be a lead dancer! You're one of the best dancers I know. Can you imagine us? The dynamic cousin duo taking the Broadway world by storm? My voice, your moves... We'd be unstoppable!"

"Big dreams."

"Speaking of which..." He looked around and then leaned in conspiratorially towards her. "Did you ever open your Juilliard letter yet?"


"Why not?!"

"I'm too nervous! This is a big deal... not everyone can get in. What if they rejected me?"

"There's no way! The dance squad would be nothing without you! It's not going to be the same after you graduate."

"Well, that's high school dancing... this is a major school..." She pulled her phone out again, looking down at the screen hesitantly.

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