Part 2

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Earlier that afternoon, Twilight had dragged Spike to Ponyville's town square under the guise of buying groceries. Really, she was keen on picking up plenty of spell fodder. She needed something to practice with, after all.

Apples were ideal.

She supposed she could have gotten some yesterday, when she and Spike had had a lunch date with Rarity, but...Granny Smith had been mareing the booth.

And why buy apples from anypony but Applejack?

Applejack hadn't yet noticed Twilight approaching. A light breeze tossed her blonde mane as she rested her chin on her hoof. It was hard to imagine Applejack ever being bored or discontent. Rather, she looked at peace.

"I really hope this is the last place we got to go to," Spike complained atop her, "It's too hot out."

Twilight gave him a pert little grin, but otherwise ignored him.

Applejack had heard his complaining and turned to the pair, "Twilight and Spike," she sat up and cocked her head, "it is so nice to see the two of you here. What can I do for 'ya?"

Twilight's heart thrummed a little, immediately charmed. Applejack had been overly friendly when they first met - now Twilight adored that country charm. She was very aware of Applejack's little games though. She could play along.

"Hi, Applejack." Twilight bent her head forward slightly so she could look up through her eyelashes, "You don't think I could have a few apples for an...experiment, do you, A.J.?" She emphasized the nickname.

Applejack grinned at her, "An experiment." Twilight nodded. "You think my apples are 'experiment' quality, Twilight?"

"Huh?" Twilight's head bobbed, "Well, of course! They're the finest apples around, after all. They should be perfect for the spell I'm working on." She gave Applejack an overly sweet smile - eyes crinkled and everything.

"Oh," Applejack chuckled a little, "Heh. Sure, Twilight, you can have as many as you'd like." Applejack bent her head slightly and put her hoof on her hat to cover her face a little, trying to be inconspicuous. Twilight knew she'd won, she could read Applejack too well, she thought.

It was just a little game between friends, anyway.

Applejack lifted a worn crate of apples onto the booth's table, a gnarled nail catching her hair. She tugged and a single hair ripped out - clinging to the skin of a bright red apple, a water droplet holding it there.

Twilight had the air of a winner about her as Applejack helped place the crate upon her flank, and she triumphantly returned to her Golden Oak Library.

Applejack watched her leave, unaware that they were playing a game - only that Twilight got the better of her.

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