Part 6

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Applejack sat at the table in Twilight's library, nursing a cup of coffee. She stared deeply into it, and seemed to be somewhere else entirely, far, far away. Twilight watched her state from across the table, only every once in a great while glancing up towards her bedroom. Spike slept in her bed. The baby slept in his.

She dared not speak. Applejack had asked for her to just let me think! the last time she had tried.

She listened to the clock tick past four in the morning. She watched the world outside become blue.

Applejack put her foreleg across her forehead and sat that way for so long Twilight thought she might have gone to sleep. Not long, though, did it take for her to sit up again, shaking her head, entirely in concentration. Twilight was sweating again.

"Where...did it come from?" Applejack croaked. Her voice was like wheels on gravel, and just as loud in that quiet tree-house. "Really?"

Twilight was taken aback. "What do you mean? I thought you understood." Applejack shook her head at Twilight, but did not meet her eye. "I believe I...created her. Accidentally, obviously! I would never-"

"I know, I just're sure it isn't someone else's? You didn't...magic it here by accident?" Applejack finally looked at Twilight again.

They both despaired at the thought, but Twilight took the accusation unjustly. Her lip trembled, although she knew Applejack meant nothing by it, really. Finally, she answered, "I really hope not. That would terrifying." She cleared her throat.

"But aren't magic babies made with...y'know, D.N.A.?" Applejack pressed further, pronouncing her words very carefully.

"Yes." It was Twilight's turn to look away. "So I don't...I just don't know. How it could have happened."

"Well...I can't think my way around it, Twilight, I can only come up with just the one thing. We gotta go see Princess Celestia about it."

Twilight and Applejack stared at each other's eyes with a dreaded certainty, each knowing this is the ultimate truth, and fearing it. Twilight nodded, if only slightly, then stood, sighing.

"Twilight," Applejack stood as well, raising a hoof as if to steady Twilight, "We should do this the right way. No...baskets," she nearly rolls her eyes and smiles, but controls herself, "I will be back with train tickets and a baby carrier, alright? So, just...look after it."

Twilight wrote up a letter to Celestia, but wasn't about to wake Spike up just to send it. She sent it herself, as she very well always could. The spell drained her just a little more. It also sent shivers down her spine...What would Celestia say? Would she turn the foal back into an assortment of fruits and apples? Would she make Twilight turn her back? Would Twilight be excommunicated, banned from using magic, or even banished from Equestria?

She couldn't let Applejack come back and see her in that state, face smashed against the table, coated in tears and snot. It wasn't doing any good. Twilight eventually got ahold of herself, cleaned herself up, brushed her mane, and went upstairs to think, sat on the floor beside the foal. At least she could pretend she was watching her sleep.

She didn't notice the Golden Oak's front door opening, but she did hear Applejack's whispered call. The rising sun shimmered dust in the air as Twilight stewed on her future and silently crept down the curving stair.

"Applejack..." Twilight breathed joy out through her nose. She was disbelieving. Applejack must have pillaged every shop in Ponyville for the foal's comfort. Ever gently she laid down a state-of-the-art baby-carrier, infant formula, an old baby blanket, and diapers all in a pile in front of a bookcase.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Applejack took a very, very long time to delicately close the door..."I went a little overboard."

Despite themselves, they smiled at each other. Twilight's spirit was lifted a little.

Then, Applejack handed her a slightly-crinkled train ticket to Canterlot Station. Twilight's spirit fell a little.

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