Part 7

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Onboard the train, the infant suckled down formula in the baby-carrier on the seat between Applejack and Twilight. Applejack didn't often look down at the baby, but she did use a hoof to rock the carrier.

Twilight had a hard time taking her eyes off the baby, herself. Her sunset-colored hair, sparkling eyes, and freckles...she didn't look like something created from a produce section. Her velvety fur and pink nose were so...real.

Twilight watched the baby-bottle bob. The foal ate like she was real, too. Spike probably wouldn't be thrilled to find his baby-bottle had been gifted to a magical mistake. She could imagine him huffing and puffing about his keepsake, and smiled gently.

He'd never held a baby before, she thought. Maybe he'd like to. He might be a wonderful uncle.

"Not to be, uh, crass, Twilight, but you might not want to get too attached. We don't really know what's gonna happen." Applejack whispered. Twilight was hesitant to discuss the matter at all aboard the train. Who knew what could be overheard, or misinterpreted

"I'm not." Twilight defended herself, "It's almost impossible not to smile at such a cute face, though."

Applejack rubbed her face. "That sounds an awful lot like attachment to me."

Equestria ran away outside the train window. Watching passing scenery always made Twilight ill, so she watched her companion. Companions.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, Twi?"

"Do you really think...she...that I...that a family is missing their foal right now?"

"Ohhh..." Applejack inched away in discomfort. "I did say that, huh?" She cleared her throat. "To be honest, I'm not sure. Even though it's scary to think about, it would probably be...the best situation for us, all telling. 'Cause...if it doesn't belong to someone else..." Applejack could hardly get that sentence out. It was nearly a squeak, an uncomfortable, almost injuring thing to suggest. Her face had gone red under her apricot-colored fur. Twilight wasn't sure what she felt about the implication, either.

"I mean, it's my mistake, Applejack. It will be on me to figure out what to do with her...I'm so sorry for dragging you into this." She hid her face in her hooves.

"Oh, sugarcube. 'Ain't no world in which I'm not helping you, Twilight, even if it's...y'know. Difficult." Applejack finally looked at the baby. "'Sides, they were my apples." Her eyes seemed to soften. She swallowed and shook her head again, righting her hat on her head. Twilight blinked away her tears.

"Thank you, Applejack."

The train-cabin glowed in the still-rising sun. Canterlot's highest peaks gleamed there, tucked into the mountain, and Celestia's castle came into sight.

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