4. My Heart

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                                                                                  4. My Heart

With eager hands I reached for my cell phone.

"Excuse me." I said to Justin as I picked up. He looked down and put his hands in his pockets.

"Kyle?" I said enthusiastically.

"Yea it's me sweetheart." I could hear his smile. "I miss you already babe I can't even--- "

"Wait, if you missed me so much, then why didn't you answer my call yesterday?" I asked with a sudden mood swing.


"Don't play dumb with me Ky. I called you about five times last night." I replied mentally counting the times I called and there was no answer but the damn voice mail.

"Well I called you back didn't I?" His voice just as harsh as mine this time.

"Kyle, why are you avoiding the question?"

"Melanie don't start with me---"

I turned to see Justin still waiting kicking invisible dirt with his shoes.

"I'm going to go now." I said interrupting Kyle's ranting.

"Mel don't go..." his voice was solemn.

"I have better things to do." As I said this I looked at Justin and his gaze left the floor.

"Like what?" Kyle sounded annoyed once again.

"Hangout with this amazing guy I met this morning." Justin smiled at me brightly, flashing his pearly whites.

"What do you mean have fun with a guy you---"

"Bye Ky!" I said laughing and left him hanging. Oh I was going to have to explain later and when I did, I'm sure to get hell; right now I was too irritated with him.

"Let's go kick butt in Rockband." I smiled.

"I bet I can beat you there." He winked and began dashing down the hall.

"Not fair! I don't know where your room is!" I yelled sprinting after him.

After a while I saw him disappear around a corner, it took me a couple seconds before I reached that spot.

"Justin?" I looked around but all was dark I couldn't even see my shoes.

"Justin..." I repeated "....where are you?" I whispered out of breath.

"Right here." I felt a tug at my arm and I was suddenly in his room.

"You scared me!" I said slapping him lightly in the arm.

"That was kinda the point." He winked.

"Rockband...Rockband...Rockband..." he repeated as he looked about his room. I was distracted by how amazing his room was. Especially the endless rows of family pictures he had near his bed.

"You were a hockey player?" I asked picking up a photograph of a little blonde boy on the ice with his hockey stick and puck.

"Yea... Um is Black Ops fine? I can't find the Rockband."

"Actually, I don't really like video games." I said, still mesmerized by the pictures. I now had in my hand a recent picture of him and his dad.

"What do you mean you don't like videos games?" He said sitting next to me on his bed and taking the photo from my hands.

"I'm nineteen years old and a girl, does it look like I like playing video games?" I said elbowing him teasingly.

"Well what do you want to do?" He asked getting up at the same time that I did.

"I actually just wanted to look at your room." I said honestly. "You seem like an interesting person." I picked up a glass cup souvenir from the Bahamas he had on his desk, which Justin quickly took from my hand and placed it right back were it belonged. I went back to the photo frames.

"Oh my gosh is this you and Caitlin?" I laughed holding out a picture of a boy and girl at the beach, their hands making a discombobulated heart.

"Yea." He walked over to wear I stood. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't touch everything."

I ignored his comment as I awed at the acoustic guitar sitting on a purple bean bag chair in the corner of the room.

"Would you play me something?" I walked over, mesmorized by its beauty and caressed the strings lightly on the guitar. I remember trying to learn to play the guitar back in freshmen year of high school. I gave up too quickly. Justin picked up the guitar and plopped on the bean bag. He patted the space next to him, motioning me to sit beside him.

"What do you want me to play?" He whispered his lips curling into a flawless smile.

"Anything." I said making myself fit into the seat, though there was hardly any space for me.

Justin cleared his throat.

"Yeah, yeah, whoa ohh whoa ohh...

When I met you girl my heart went knock knock

Now them butterflies in my stomach won't stop stop

Even though it's a struggle love is all we got

So we goin' keep keep climbing to the mountain top..."

            I became disappointed when the song came to an end. I had been so caught up in the moment that I didn't even realize when I had curled my head onto his shoulder. I gently lifted my head from its rest, I hope Justin hadn't noticed.

"Did you like that?" Justin asked, his breath was so close, I could almost taste it.

"Very much." I smiled at the understatement. "What was this song called?"

"One Time, My Heart Edition" He spoke softly but with a tone that implied like that title was obvious.

"Play something else." I urged. It felt like I could listen to him and that guitar for hours. This time Justin played a long solo it was so beautiful, so pure. When the last stroke of music played. Justin looked up at me.

"I can't even..." I had no words for how amazing that had been. He shrugged and shook the hair from his eye. "Which song was that?"

"I just improvised the whole thing." He smiled proudly.

"Shut up, No way." I mumbled. It was impossible to think that something so breathtaking could flow from his heart to his fingertips, so easily.

"Yea I did." He said playing it again.

"Does it have a title?" I asked curiously.

"No not yet... Why don't you pick the title?"

"I don't know..." I said hesitantly

"Rivers. That's the title for now."

"You're naming a song after me?" I felt flattered.

"Yea, you inspired it so why not?" He looked into my eyes. His stare became quite uncomfortable after a while. I looked down at my hands. Just then, the door opened and the music stopped.

"Justin hey--- whoa uh hey you." A man with shades and a funky hair-do stopped short, obviously not expecting me to being here, or seeing how inappropriately close I was sitting to him. I scrambled to get up at once, Justin did the same.

"Yo, Ry, this is Melanie."

"Oh, hey Melanie... Justin's tutor ay?"

"Yea that's me." Ry gave me a handshake and then fist bump. I laughed.

"Time for lunch kid, where going out today."

"Melanie, would you come too?" Justin asked holding my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2011 ⏰

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