3. Are You Going To Take Me To Your Room?

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Part 3

"Look for the girl with a broken smile, ask if she wants to stay for a while.... she will be loved."

 I yawned, still half asleep and stretched toward the night stand where my cell phone's alarm rang.

I kept tapping around hoping for the cell phone to reach my fingertips. I grunted and lost my balance. I stumbled off my comfortable bed and hit, face first, the cold floor.

"FML." I muttered under my breath. I laid there for a total of about five minutes till I gained the strength to get up. I walked over to the mirror.

"Good morning sunshine!" I said picking my mane like hair with two fingers. "JK you look like crap." I told myself in the mirror. Why you may ask? Well because I'm not okay today. Not at all! I hardly had any sleep. It hadn't helped that last night, Kyle hadn't answered my phone calls. I signed, a heavy sign, and trotted off to the shower.

"Baybee, Baybee noooo!!!" I sang as I de-stressed myself with the cold water hitting my face. Damn, I'm really not okay today.

"Melanie?" Someone called from my room disturbing my moment of tranquility.

I shut the water off quickly and cursed to myself. Dear God, I hope no one heard me singing to Justin's song. I felt my face burn even beneath the cold water running.

"Err... Yea?" I shouted, wrapping myself into my towel.

"Where are you?"

"In the bathroom....Wait, who is this?" I asked.

"Its Justin, you are running late you know. We were supposed to be done with class by now."

"What?! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry but can you leave, I need to get dressed...." My face grew a deeper color red; I was probably giving weird images to his brain, teenage boys... I swear.

"Oh...OH!" I heard him say as I pressed my ear against the door.

"Yea...I should wait for you in the umm... the study lair... okay I'm going now." He blabbed on. By the way he sounded; I could tell that he was embarrassed too. This made me smile.

            As soon as I heard him close the door behind him, I ran to my closet and threw on a grey pencil skirt, a white tank and blue blazer. I gave five stokes to my burgundy hair and a quick glance in the mirror. I looked decent enough and skipped off. Half way down the hall. I looked down to realize I hadn't put on any shoes. I ran back in and grabbed a pair of flats and managed to walk and put them on at the same time.

          When I finally made it to the "study lair" as Justin had called it, I took a deep breath. Before turning the knob, I heard hushed whispers and decided to procrastinate a little, and eavesdropped.

"Dude she's hot!?" I heard a voice say, not one that sounded like Justin's.

"Yea I guess..."

"Get your game on bro!"

"No she's got a boyfriend."

"And you are going to let that stop you?"

"What's your name?" The first guy asked.

"Justin Bieber...."

"Exactly! So get her!"

I didn't like were the direction of that conversation was going.

I decided to make an entrance and cut off there little talk.

"Excuse YOU! I'm trying to teach here!"

I froze with the door slightly open, No, no, no! Had I been replaced so quickly? I began to panic and barged through the door.

A girl who was about sixteen jumped and dropped the pen of the Promethean board she held in her hand.

You Cant Love Me Here (A Justin Bieber Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now